So who's your bet for DT's new drummer out of the 7?

Looks like it's down to Mangini/Minnemann, but I can't wait to see what Peter Wildoer and Aquiles Priester have to offer! I'm guessing the third episode will be uploaded Friday.
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Would have preferred to have watched the final episode without the spoiler above the post

Based on what I saw, would have picked same final 3 and possibly gone with the decision that they made. Looking forward to what the band brings out with the new album

Looks like they're going to release this audition series as a DVD, would be good if they put on the full auditions for all 7 drummers
Poor Aquiles, he seemed a bit hard on himself! Can't wait to get the DVD and the full album. Massive congratulations to the guy for landing the gig, he seemed completely overjoyed. I have complete faith that he'll help rejuvenate the band and put out some amazing music.
When it showed the shots of Mike, then fading into Mangini near the end of the clip actually brought tears to my eyes. Sad to see clips of Mike, but happy that they've continued this journey with a new drummer, who's going to do great. Congratulations to Mike Mangini!
Good thing we didn't bet on it, that would've been another dinner I'd be paying for. :p
I'm very happy Mangini got the gig - out the top 3 I think he's definitely the best fit in terms of style and personality. Minnemann was abit too dorky for DT and Wildoer was too 'Metal' haha!