So yet another band cancels a tour due to Visas...

Our immigration laws and practices are ridiculous. Most people are rather ignorant of this because it doesn't affect them directly. If it *really* pisses you off, contact your lawmakers and let them know you think it's bullshit. I can't, as I have a case pending with them and don't want to rock the boat. Married 3.5 years, and they still act like they think we're up to something other than trying to live in the same country... *sigh*

Not sure how much you can discuss, but is this a new issue or an old issue that hadn't been a deal breaker before? It seemed rather strange that he got held up for this tour considering he's toured here several times before and as recently as 2006...

Well just because you don't get visas on time doesn't mean there was a criminal situation. It just means that they are taking too long to process the visas. I'm not sure how Nuclear Blast went about getting these done, but this label was one of the best at doing it. So much so actually, that Carcass had them do it for them in 2008.
This is really starting to piss me off. It's one thing when our policies keep Pain of Salvation from coming over. But now it's impacting good bands?


Funniest post I've read in quite a while. :kickass:

But all POS (apropos acronym, that) joking aside, the visa issue is a troubling one. Seems bureaucracy isn't getting any easier to deal with.

so apparently THIS is the Pain Of Salvation "haters" thread. so i will say as a supporter of their early guys can officially "suck it" *Throwing the infamous X'd arms to my crotchery region* (as Triple H would...if i were a wrestler!) :P

but now back to topic. it's pretty lame and goes to show what state our government has found itself in. they seem pretty confused on what is going on in general it's no surprise they are now "efficiently" screwing up the entertainment industry with this buffoonery.
well that joke lost anything it may have had..
I got it. ;)

POS sensitivity is overkill. Making fun of POS is like laughing at cat videos; it's a great comedic release and the subjects of the joke don't give a shit.

But the visa issues has become a much more serious, debilitating problem. Several news outlets have reported there are many billions of revenue lost to U.S. businesses each year due to various people and entities being denied entrance into the country. The immigration agency acts like a bunch of pathetic aging men flexing their bureaucratic power to compensate for loss of other abilities. Buy a red convertible and let the bands in!
No they wouldn't. What the hell are you talking about? Marduk did that I believe years ago and it almost totally ruined any chance they ever had of coming back to the US and it's also one of the reasons probably why they had to miss Blackenedfest.

Same thing happened to Nick Barker who came in illegally when recording with Testament. Now he will probably never come back to the States.

AeonicSlumber, how's that "ignore" list coming along? You need to update it, so that my name is added. I'm not getting into a "boarder policy" debate with you. Our boarder policies or the lack thereof are shit, anyone with a brain knows that.

so apparently THIS is the Pain Of Salvation "haters" thread. so i will say as a supporter of their early guys can officially "suck it" *Throwing the infamous X'd arms to my crotchery region* (as Triple H would...if i were a wrestler!) :P


AeonicSlumber, how's that "ignore" list coming along? You need to update it, so that my name is added. I'm not getting into a "boarder policy" debate with you. Our boarder policies or the lack thereof are shit, anyone with a brain knows that.



I know precisely that you were talking about boarder policy and what your opinion on the subject is. I was merely showing to you in my post that A) you're not funny, B) boarder policy has nothing to do with this thread, and C) you have no idea what you're talking about. Bands/musicians have tried to get in illegally in the past and the consequences are far worse if caught. You're wrong, just deal with it and stop bawwing.
so apparently THIS is the Pain Of Salvation "haters" thread. so i will say as a supporter of their early guys can officially "suck it" *Throwing the infamous X'd arms to my crotchery region* (as Triple H would...if i were a wrestler!) :P

but now back to topic. it's pretty lame and goes to show what state our government has found itself in. they seem pretty confused on what is going on in general it's no surprise they are now "efficiently" screwing up the entertainment industry with this buffoonery.



Dood this has been going on for...oh..9 years?

Once this government gets more important shit taken care of (like proving to the world we no longer consider oil more important than people), they will get around to making the visa policy sane again.


Dood this has been going on for...oh..9 years?

Not really. The entry procedures were tightened up after 9/11 and frankly, not too many people worldwide had a problem with that...Daniel Gildenlow and a few others notwithstanding. WE were attacked, after all.

What "now" seems to be happening, as evidenced by PPUSA last year and other shows/tours since, is that work visas are becoming much harder to obtain. Time was, you ponied up your $1,000 for each visa and declinations from CIS (or ICE or whatever) were rare. Seems like it's been during the last year that we've suddenly been having problems. I'd blame it on the Community Organizer due to the approximate timing, but I can't think of any reason why the Administration would suddenly implement stricter work-visa rules.

Once this government gets more important shit taken care of (like proving to the world we no longer consider oil more important than people), they will get around to making the visa policy sane again.

Yeah. That must be it. Thanks. :rolleyes:
What "now" seems to be happening, as evidenced by PPUSA last year and other shows/tours since, is that work visas are becoming much harder to obtain. Time was, you ponied up your $1,000 for each visa and declinations from CIS (or ICE or whatever) were rare. Seems like it's been during the last year that we've suddenly been having problems. I'd blame it on the Community Organizer due to the approximate timing, but I can't think of any reason why the Administration would suddenly implement stricter work-visa rules.

This is a load of horsecrap. Lacuna Coil got denied visas on tour with Opeth in 2002/2003, Emperor's Samoth got denied his visa in 2005. Frost from Satyricon got denied his visa for the longest time as well. In 2005, a delay in visas caused Opeth to cancel/postpone 5 shows. In 2002, Rob Halford (who has been living in the US for a long time now) got denied his visa just for visiting family in England and a Halford tour had to be canceled. Nightwish had visa problems in 2004, forcing them to cancel 3 shows of their tour. Chimaira had to hire a new drummer because the drummer from Soilwork was having visa issues. Dimmu Borgir's session drummer had visa problems forcing them to hire another drummer for Ozzfest 2004. Dragonforce couldn't get into the US in 2005 for their first US gig ever. I can go on. Band immigration issues have been going on all the time, in either the EXACT same capacity you are referring to, or in another fashion, ever since 9/11 whether you choose to ignore them or not. Don't make me sick by turning this thread into a platform for your political agenda. If anything, this has more to do with the "retard from Texas" than it has to do with the "community organizer."

This is not rocket science people. The reason why it feels like there are more visa declinations than in the past is because there are more tours than in the past. ProgPower has been booking more bands than in the past, etc. The live music business is not declining and ticket sales/attendance records are doing fairly well, which is why band guarantees are as high as ever and it's also why agents are booking more tours and why there are more booking agencies.
This is a load of horsecrap....
... Don't make me sick by turning this thread into a platform for your political agenda. If anything, this has more to do with the "retard from Texas" than it has to do with the "community organizer."
Why do you have to add this crap to your posts? Why do you always have to start shit instead of just making your point? I never enter these inane pissing matches, but it's getting old. Please just say what you want to say and layoff the personal attacks.