

Aug 31, 2003
It's 7:13am while I'm sitting at my computer, my brother and dog are asleep and Buffy the vampire slayer is on the tv in the background. How are you spending your thanksgiving?

Oh, and to everyone who is not apart of this holiday overseas or whatever :wave:
i just woke up....wish i could sleep alllllllllllll day. but no. we're going to eat at chrome's aunt's house at one, and my mom's supposed to call me in an




I AM the leafslaying basketeer. Fear me!!!

It's just a flesh wound...

Carnivorous Cheeses!!!
It's Been the same routine since I can remember. Everyone in my family comes to my parents house ( thats about 60 people ) for the turkey and since my Bday was yesterday we have cake for me! Hoooraayyyyyy!
So I sit, drink coffee, eat turkey, nap, eat BDAY cake, nap, watch TV and sleep.
Well, I just got through eating Thanksgiving dinner with my mother, father, and brother. Yep, just us, with canned green beans, corn, deli slices of ham and turkey, and some stuffing that they made at the store. :lol: We're not a big cooking family. :lol: And I only ate one plate, because I hate the feeling of being full.
Well me and my friends had a Halo party last night with 2 xboxs. I went to bed at 5:30 am. I got woken up at 9:30 am by my dad to hang xmas shit and clean house. So im a bit tired. Going to try to fit a session of Counter Strike in before dinner.
Got up at 2:30, Watched some James Bond, started drinking at 3:00 , made some grub and am now going to work on one of my boats and continue drinking beer. Family is in New Jersey so I had a nice peacefull, do what I want Thanksgiving.
COBSteele: Halo parties rule. I had one a few months drunk, stayed up through the night playing Halo, then went to a diner at 7 in the morning. Everyone else got breakfast, I got a hamburger. Good fuckin times.

Dinner with my family, grandparents, aunt, and my grandmother's crazy friend. I was going to go get drunk with friends after that, but that seems to have fallen apart (postponed for Saturday, perhaps). And my girlfriend's busy. So I'm probably just gonna sit around and write or somethin.
Pyrus said:
COBSteele: Halo parties rule. I had one a few months drunk, stayed up through the night playing Halo, then went to a diner at 7 in the morning. Everyone else got breakfast, I got a hamburger. Good fuckin times.

Dinner with my family, grandparents, aunt, and my grandmother's crazy friend. I was going to go get drunk with friends after that, but that seems to have fallen apart (postponed for Saturday, perhaps). And my girlfriend's busy. So I'm probably just gonna sit around and write or somethin.

You're damn right they rule. Tottaly worth only getting 4 hours of sleep to play halo all night with my good friends.