
but that doesnt make sence! amon has few anti-christianty lyrics too
It's a good thing there aren't any offensive bands here tonight, we wouldn't want anyone to be offended.


And also, wtf with the Absence? They aren't serious satanic/blasphemous w/e...
But Parc Asterix is better... fewer cues and less for kids.. and pagan.. :).. check this out :

It doesn't get more pagan than this! :D

Cool! I imagine lots of cool pagan themes that could be incorporated into all the rides and roller coasters and shit. I'd certainly take my hypothetical children there. :D

As for Disneyland, there's nothing really wrong with it as a theme park and i guess a there's nothing wrong a little cosmopolitanism. It's just that it creeps up on ya and before you know it you've got McDonalds, WalMarts and the likes littering the landscape and displacing French culture with American or what not. And once these enterprises are established it's difficult to get rid of them because, like you said, they become a source of revenue and jobs.

I suppose the trick is in determining what foreign influence is destructive to French culture and what is not. Of course this should be left up to y'all to decide.

All i'm really saying is, I would like to visit France some day. I won't be going there to visit Euro Disney. I'd check out Parc Asterix though, and hopefully there will still be some other native French stuff to see. ;)
Beave : i totally agree with you but Disney isn't something i hate about americanisation. on the contrary, its actually a good part of it. I remember being almost brought up by old disney cartoons such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, The Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, Pinoccio and all.. and as you know they are inspired by european tales and books. Disney is (or was) good at that and I'm happy to have seen them as a child.
As for Wallmart, thankfully we don't have any in France (but then again, its just a shop... we have equivalents here which are exactly the same). We do have too many Mc Donalds though :p apparently there are 70 Mc Donalds restaurants in Paris only.

All i'm really saying is, I would like to visit France some day. I won't be going there to visit Euro Disney. I'd check out Parc Asterix though, and hopefully there will still be some other native French stuff to see. ;)

Well hurry up cause soon there won't be any more native french people at all ;)
No, just kidding, many touristic places still have their french feeling thankfully, exept in Paris where there are more tourists then french hehe.
Beave : i totally agree with you but Disney isn't something i hate about americanisation. on the contrary, its actually a good part of it. I remember being almost brought up by old disney cartoons such as Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, The Beauty and the Beast, Peter Pan, Pinoccio and all.. and as you know they are inspired by european tales and books. Disney is (or was) good at that and I'm happy to have seen them as a child.

I guess i was taking more of a macro view of Americanization as a whole, as well as taking into account that Disney is actually not just Disney anymore, but is also actually the parent company of many other media outlets that might not be as benign.

You're entirely right though about the old Disney cartoons you listed. They really are timeless and brilliant, and are certainly valuable contributions to the greater Western tradition. Americans should feel proud of them.

I don't know if you guys get Bugs Bunny over there, but watching those cartoons was an unforgettable part of my childhood too. And they're always so refreshing to watch now since they were made at a time when they weren't required to inject all the subliminal PC bullshit into the story lines like they do nowadays.

Actually, some Disney classics, like "Song of the South", don't even really get screened anymore 'cause they are so patently pre-PC. But whenever i'm in a good mood i can't help but whistle the famous song from that movie... you may remember, "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah, zip-a-dee-day,.........Mr. Bluebirds on my shoulders..."

Great stuff. :)
You guys are leaving out the best Disney movie ever, The Jungle Book!
I loved Disney growing up. And I will admit, I still watch those movies. I own a few Disney movies. I spent a good amount of time at Disneyland on my honeymoon. Watching the night show of Fantasia was the best part of the whole day.

I love Bugs Bunny, if I catch it on I watch it. There are some adult jokes in that show I certainly did not understand as a kid. When someone is saying nice to me, I still to this day joke..."Tell me more about my eyes" and flutter my eyelashes. Yo Samity Sam has to be the angriest cartoon character on TV. And I know a lot of men that remind me of Elmer Fudd :P

Two other shows I was addicted to as a child was The Muppets and Fragile Rock. :lol: I've even gone so far as to put the Mahna Mahna song as my myspace song. I should do that again, it drive everyone nuts, they would get the song stick in their head all day. :lol::heh:
Indeed. Their live shows grow tighter with every album because the catalog of fucking amazing songs they have to choose from grows. The problem was that there's no longer any way for them to fight even the most awesome of the awesome into even a 2 and a half hour show like Cologne.