
whats that ol?

something about friday? something to do with the myspace? on friday?

something that everyone should tell as many people as they can about ever now?

somethings happening on friday? they should all tell everyone that somethings happening on friday on the myspace?????????
What's that Matt? Matt? What?
Friday? Yeah?....what? is it?
Something about then?
What was it?
I'm not sure now

Something about a New Track?
Let's make them guess....

New Track goes on Myspace on Friday between 2pm and 4pm (GMT) ?

.........oh fuck

(exclusive info for forum dwellers until the announcement tomorow - oooh la-di-da)
well yes oliver that seems to be what is going to happen.

keep your eye on the myspace on friday, and do us a favour, tell everyone you can, put it on all the forums, email all your friends, put it on facebook, myspace, whatever.....