
Right I dont often go into huge detail analysing songs etc, mainly cus im musically retarded and dont know the full process of what goes into etc so cant say this sounds bad n needs improving by ....

With the vocals, i really liked the vocals on ETG (even though they fucked up your throat Matt) but they did sound quite basic but that was because u hadnt had the experience to know quite what u were doing, not as keen on the new vocals as ETG, still enjoy them though and they will grow on me, but you can tell alot more effort has gone into them and you have had more experience on it all.

As with the rest of it, it sounds much more mature and advanced, you have definatly moved on, and it sounds fuckin awesome just from Infected Nations you can hear the difference to ETG and its a good difference.

So well done for challenging yourselves and moving onto something abit different and not sticking with the exact same sound, you have moved on advanced and tryin to find your own characteristic sound, I dont know whether you feel you have found it or are still gonna keep on searching but from the direction its goin it sounds well good, im very impressed and cant wait for the new album
With the vocals, i really liked the vocals on ETG (even though they fucked up your throat Matt) but they did sound quite basic but that was because u hadnt had the experience to know quite what u were doing, not as keen on the new vocals as ETG, still enjoy them though and they will grow on me, but you can tell alot more effort has gone into them and you have had more experience on it all.

aww thats such a nice way of saying "yeah i appreciate what you've done but it's shitter than you did it last time"
Its a dramatic change in a way, you're not sounding like a bog standard 'can't sing for shit' thrash singer. You actually sing, whilst retaining the full frontal (LOL) shoutyness that you portrayed on the previous album.

Saying that, I was just listening to The LivingDead and you had some form of melody there, moreso than anything on ETG. Connection? Were you too lazy to continue/expand upon it at that point or something?
haha reverb and delay are MAGIC. thats a big difference from ETG, the vocals were quite dry, reverb and delay just make things more epic, wait til you hear some of the tracks which have singing!!! but not singy singing, like infected nation but with notes!
i have been listening to a fair bit of gojira recently, the heaviest matter is great. the more i do the singing thing the more i will get it to a point where its definitely MY voice, its getting there now, you'll hear it when you get the album, but i'm not there yet..... got a lot of work to do on it.
I liked it at first, but now I can't stop listening to it :mad: It's great, the vocals are awesome, they remind me of Shakira :)

But seriously when I make a song the last thing I want to hear when I show it to my friends is: "sounds like Metallica, reminds me of Kreator".
Finally got a chance to listen to's great. It's different, and that's good. It's still thrash.

My only problem with it is that I think it's lacking somewhat in the cowbell department. It needs more cowbell.

And Matt sounds like yer man from Gojira.....what's his name again? Oh yeah, Matthew Broderick.
i have been listening to a fair bit of gojira recently, the heaviest matter is great. the more i do the singing thing the more i will get it to a point where its definitely MY voice, its getting there now, you'll hear it when you get the album, but i'm not there yet..... got a lot of work to do on it.
Nice one. have you got From Mars To Sirus? I bloody love it, its like a Neurosis and Morbid Angel baby.