
One thing that is really fucking me off is that everyone s saying that it sounds like Sepultura

Let me say this now, if you think that Infected Nation sounds like Sepultura then you need a solid backhand across the fucking face. Matt sounds sod all like Max Cavalera for one, and as for the instrumentals.... yes, thee ae similarities to Sepultura. But theres also similarties to Slayer, Death and even Coroner. Almost all thrash has similarities to itself, the only reason anyone is sayig it sounds like Sepultura is because of Michael Whelan's artwork. uaranteed.


EVile own balls

i actually thought the vox sounded a (very) wee bit like chuck billy on FOD
One thing that is really fucking me off is that everyone s saying that it sounds like Sepultura

Let me say this now, if you think that Infected Nation sounds like Sepultura then you need a solid backhand across the fucking face. Matt sounds sod all like Max Cavalera for one, and as for the instrumentals.... yes, thee ae similarities to Sepultura. But theres also similarties to Slayer, Death and even Coroner. Almost all thrash has similarities to itself, the only reason anyone is sayig it sounds like Sepultura is because of Michael Whelan's artwork. uaranteed.


EVile own balls

Then slap me... I hear a Cavalera influence. What happened to it just being the internet and not getting upset about other people's opinions?!

Can I just say Dave, no offence mate, but you are probably the single worst person I have ever (not actually) met at letting the rest of the world have opinions :lol:
I know I'm rough, but trust me - I'm fuck all compared to a lot of people. Explain where you hear the Cavalera influence, because in all honesty I hear about as much Cavalera in Infected Nation as I do in Peace Sells.

Until then... *slaps* HAVE AT THEE
I didn't think "This sounds like X" at all listening to it. Just sounded like Evile to me.

In the vocal tone and melody... it's not like he's a clone or consciously ripping him off or anything. I'm not saying that. Just that it has a Sepultura flavour. It's quite shouty. Just sounds a bit like Max to me... I'm just saying it how I hear it, I didn't mean to twist anyone's knickers...
Jesus Christ, it's not like I thought, "wow Evile are trying to be Sepultura". I just thought there was a tiny similarity in the vocals. Forget I even ever said anything at all... I'll crawl back under my rock.
cheers peoples! mostly positives so far then, good stuff, glad you like the first thing you've heard from the new stuff!

how has it been going down on the rest of the internets? anyone know?

someone was telling me yesterday that the number of different people that people have heard in my voice is staggering, like cavalera, (MORE araya than last time (haha where?), devin townsend, joe duplantier and some others i can't remember....

isn't it strange how different people hear different things? all i've done is have a bit of training to help myself be able to power it more and not damage my voice like last time and all of a sudden i've "become" about 12 different singers apparently haha. i'll admit that on infected nations it's a straight forward power it out vibe, so yeah it's a bit cavalera esque in one or two places, but the rest of the album varies so much with the singing, you'll forget that and realise it's me and get used to where i'm going with it.

apparently some people prefer my voice on enter the grave, haha eh? i had no idea what i was doing and just shouting badly and ripped my throat to shreds, haha sorry if you enjoyed that but i didn't!

this album will be a good lesson in showing you can't please everyone, there will be people who want us to be a certain way and they're going to be disappointed and hate us, and others will love it, others won't give three tosses. some will appreciate we're not AS retro, theres still retro in there, but not as blatantly "woooo thrash yeeaaahhh 80's!!!" and some will appreciate we're TRYING to push ourselves a bit further. people will hate it, love it, fear it, try and eat it, sit on it, burn it, not care about it. but it's the same for every band, you find your fan base eventually. or fail horrifically and end up eating out of bins.
I thought you ate out of bins anyway? You told me you were a racoon!!

But yeah, a lot of people I've spoken to have loved t, but then there are those who think its utter balls ecause it wasn't released in '81 and its on a label :lol: A lot of people told me they preferred ETG, and when asked why all the said was 'It sounds thrashier'. So basically, they prefer ET over ONE new song because - an I mean this in the nicest way possible - its pretty much what everyone would expect a thrash album to sound like. Nothing really new going on etc. I love ETG but Infected Nations is already better, and I've only heard what... three tracks? Two of them were live and unfinished, and I still loved them. As I've said a thousand times before, I have nohing bu sheer respect for any new band that tries to be as different as possible without turning into shit, and after all the waiting and all the 'hype' (HATE that word, but theres no other way to put it) you've actually delivered.

Some people will never be satisfied, but they can fuck off and go live in France with all the other retards. I'm always open to a band exprimenting so long as they don't fuck it up.


*makes chewbacca noise*