
I like it. My friend, who I told about ye when I first heard ETG said that it was a bit boring (ETG) then text me today, 'Did you hear the new Evile song, it's brilliant.' Must be doing something right I suppose.
haha reverb and delay are MAGIC. thats a big difference from ETG, the vocals were quite dry, reverb and delay just make things more epic, wait til you hear some of the tracks which have singing!!! but not singy singing, like infected nation but with notes!
how many vocal tracks did you do? blind guardian has goten me really into multitracking recently
I like it. My friend, who I told about ye when I first heard ETG said that it was a bit boring (ETG) then text me today, 'Did you hear the new Evile song, it's brilliant.' Must be doing something right I suppose.

thats a good sign!

oh and the vocals are double tracked, i double tracked them on ETG but i couldnt do it properly as i was just shouting really hard (even though listening to it it comes across as talking nearly) so i could match random shouts exactly, but with the new stuff actually having melody it was awesome to do.... and it sounds great, im really happy with it. it sounds more like me now.
I was shocked when I first heard the vocals but they are growing on me, spoke to Andy about it and he said he was like that with ETG because he is more used to this style of vocals from you. I'm just happy with the song and I'm very excited for the album.
plans for more vinyl surprises, and even a VERY limited boxset set, set. keep your eyes open.

pees spread the word about the new track and pre-order malarky!