I can't really sit on that call because Algeria had a great opportunity when they were called offside and weren't (though one was in the goal, the other was just a good opportunity). However, not calling a red card on the guy that swung his arm at Dempsey in the box.

Still, obviously happy with the U.S. win, and they will be facing a very beatable Ghana, but they'll have to play smart defense, and finish their goal opportunities.
My post after the win got eaten...

Yeah, despite the unlucky call on Dempsey's no goal, we got a few breaks from the referees.

It feels good to be moving on to the knockout stage. Hopefully a better result than when we faced Ghana in 2006!!

Interesting fact - USA sets a record for minutes in the lead and a winning a group with 2. The Netherlands in '94 won and led 21 minutes.
USA! USA! They did it! USA advances and takes the lead in the division!

Don't start Americanizing the sport. It's a group, not a division. :lol:

The next thing you Americans are gonna want to bring to soccer is electronic referee corrections/assistance. :lol: That would be unacceptable. One of the reasons why soccer is so amazing is the fact that calls are entirely at the ref's criteria and there is room for bad calls, period. It adds some emotion to the game. :lol:
I found this today, amazing.

I found that today as well on a different site and I showed it to my roommate that knows nothing about soccer or the world cup outside of what the news talks about it (which this year is more than I can ever remember). Well he watched it with just a total look of shock and after it was over he just stood there for second and said "Holy Hell if they to that over a game, what would happen if they won the World Cup?"

I had no answer cause I had never really thought about US making it that far, but I guess stranger things have happened (even though I cant think of any), and if it happens it would be one hell of a party with 300,000,000 people attending.

He also said "Who is this Landon guy? I guess he is going to be famous now?"
The next thing you Americans are gonna want to bring to soccer is electronic referee corrections/assistance. :lol: That would be unacceptable. One of the reasons why soccer is so amazing is the fact that calls are entirely at the ref's criteria and there is room for bad calls, period. It adds some emotion to the game. :lol:

"Electronic referee corrections" - that's priceless! And perfect. I pretty much can't stand instant replay, though I have the slightest acceptance of it on hockey goals.

It's definitely part of the game, probably more so in soccer.

I reffed soccer for 8 years or so. More than once a coach screamed "Who was the foul on??". It kind of felt good not to have to say. :grin:

Yep - one of the great quotes in the Laws of the Game - "In the opinion of the referee..."

And in honor of Brazil wrapping up their group...

i wont push for replay or camera help in soccer cos i understand thats the culture...but in my own mind, i will never understand why you'd prefer a greater chance of blown calls.

i mean...if someone deserves something, i dont think a referee's lapse of judgment should be able to unquestionably take that away from them...but meh. guess thats just the sport.

USA over Ghana tomorrow!! lets go!!
Yeah I learned the hard way about the refs not having to tell you who the call was on. as I said I learned about soccer by coaching it on the high school level and coming from being a football coach and the refs having to tell you the call and who it was on, there was a phantom call against us that called back a gaol (which would have put us above on of the top ranked teams in the state). And I blew my mind screaming at the ref telling him to "Be a man and come tell me what the call was" and some more American football inspired screams. which got me a yellow card(would have been red but the ref knew that I had came from coaching football and just didnt know)

So even though the refs dont have to tell who it is on, it is a bit douchey not to. especially at the high school level where many of the players are still just learning the game.

oh and it was the coach for the other team that finally calmed me down, and explained the rule to me. He used to play in England he is a great guy and acrually went out of his way to help me learn and understand the game and how to coach it, that is why we played them twice every year even though they would beat our brakes off everytime(except the time I was talking about we just lost 4-3 and that goal would have made the score 4-3 cause there last gaol came right before the final whistle)
i mean...if someone deserves something, i dont think a referee's lapse of judgment should be able to unquestionably take that away from them...

See, that;s the American in you speaking. :lol: ;)

I love the fact that the refs can do that.... I mean, it happens both ways. You hate it when it happens against you, but man, it feels good when it goes your way. LOL
Do you think it goes the way of the more traditionally strong team more often than not?

I think for the U.S. what frustrates the fans is the series of bad calls in the world cup that have cost them matches. Whether terrible hand ball calls, red cards (for or against), or general penalties/offsides.

But its just a game. A beautiful game, but still a game, and its important to recognize why the game is great, and its not because of what refs do or don't do, its because of how much fun it is to play, how well it can be played, how much drama there is over every good possession, and how quick a goal can be turned around on you, yet unlike hockey, there's a lot of buildup even in the quick moments where you hold your breath. No other team sport is like that.
See, that;s the American in you speaking. :lol: ;)

I love the fact that the refs can do that.... I mean, it happens both ways. You hate it when it happens against you, but man, it feels good when it goes your way. LOL
I dunno. I think it feels kind of hollow. I'd rather know the call was right. Not that I'm for electronic review of calls in soccer. I'm for leaving it as is.

Go USA!!
I dunno. I think it feels kind of hollow. I'd rather know the call was right. Not that I'm for electronic review of calls in soccer. I'm for leaving it as is.

Go USA!!

I can understand that. However, that adds to the magic, the beauty of soccer. I can't explain, I guess those who have been into it for long enough understand, I don't know... Soccer has more trash talking (among players) than any other sport. The whole thing about throwing the player off his game is awesome. There's something "wild" about soccer when you're in the field, playing and the possibility of human error and controversy just adds to it. It's a game, a sport, but it feels like much more than that. I don't know, I just think it's better left as is.

And yes, AMBR, I will be the next one to say GO USA tomorrow. I really hope they go far. And we'll be ready for them ;) hahaha
Do you think it goes the way of the more traditionally strong team more often than not?

Definitely not. Spain and Italy have both been *strongly* affected by a bad call during a world cup, causing them to actually be eliminated. They did cry about it for a bit, but eventually you move on. That's how you do it in soccer.

Brazil was also affected by a call in 1990 on the game they played Argentina (Round of 16, Argentina beat us 1-0). I was 6, and that was the first world cup I actually watched. Brazil scored a legal goal and the ref. called it offside.

I think for the U.S. what frustrates the fans is the series of bad calls in the world cup that have cost them matches. Whether terrible hand ball calls, red cards (for or against), or general penalties/offsides.

Well, doesn't that say something? If the USA fans had embraced soccer already, they probably would bitch about it for a bit and move on. Goes to show you (at least in my point of view, and I'm not trying to offend anyone, please don't get me wrong), that the people may not be so ready for it yet. Or, just not used to it. Soccer can't be 100% politically correct, you know? :lol:

But its just a game. A beautiful game, but still a game, and its important to recognize why the game is great, and its not because of what refs do or don't do, its because of how much fun it is to play, how well it can be played, how much drama there is over every good possession, and how quick a goal can be turned around on you, yet unlike hockey, there's a lot of buildup even in the quick moments where you hold your breath. No other team sport is like that.

AMEN BROTHER. You could not have said better words. You've earned yourself a few beers from me next year in ATL. :)
Well, doesn't that say something? If the USA fans had embraced soccer already, they probably would bitch about it for a bit and move on. Goes to show you (at least in my point of view, and I'm not trying to offend anyone, please don't get me wrong), that the people may not be so ready for it yet. Or, just not used to it. Soccer can't be 100% politically correct, you know? :lol:

Interesting point - I would not have thought about it that way. I think that the new fans that are paying attention (of which most will probably not pay attention for 4 more years) are just not used to it, like you said.

But at least there are some new fans, for the time being. A friend in the office who couldn't have cared less about soccer 3 weeks ago was bummed when he brought back his lunch today and the afternoon games hadn't started yet (we have a TV in a common area).

And Milton, you were right about Honduras. Yeah, they were missing a player or 2 for injury, but so are lots of teams. They didn't fare well at all, though at least they salvaged a point today. I still dare any team to try to play a WC qualifier in Central America!!