Interesting point - I would not have thought about it that way. I think that the new fans that are paying attention (of which most will probably not pay attention for 4 more years) are just not used to it, like you said.
But at least there are some new fans, for the time being. A friend in the office who couldn't have cared less about soccer 3 weeks ago was bummed when he brought back his lunch today and the afternoon games hadn't started yet (we have a TV in a common area).
And Milton, you were right about Honduras. Yeah, they were missing a player or 2 for injury, but so are lots of teams. They didn't fare well at all, though at least they salvaged a point today. I still dare any team to try to play a WC qualifier in Central America!!
I love the fact that there are new fans now. As a matter of fact, there are so many people who I've encountered in the past few weeks who have said "I've never cared for it, never really paid much attention but now I'm totally hooked and addicted to it."
I told my boss a few months ago that I would need lots of days off for the WC. His decision? Well, considering that my room in our office is the video editing room and we use a a 52" 1080p TV as one of our monitors was to add a cable box into that. (We literally have a mini movie theater in the office).

And, regarding Honduras, it's all good. We have some teams that are considered shitty in South America and yet they are a bitch to beat during the qualifying (especially in the Andean sucks to play at high altitude). Bolivia is pure shit, yet every now and then they friggin' beat us with a stick.

By the way, any chance any of you *may* wanna take a trip up here and catch Brazil x USA after the WC? Game will be played at Giants Stadium I believe. I'm so there.