My condolences sir. You're clearly upset - you've even forgotten that Brazil were wearing blue jerseys today

Thank you. You're absolutely right, I am very upset to the point of not realizing it. There were yellow dots on their jersey though.
Force10 said:
Question for you...
I had been reading in Sports Illustrated that there is a big debate in Brazil - whether it is worth it to not play "the beautiful game" as long as you win. I'm guessing this will be a call to bring back the "beautiful game".
This argument is certainly strange to myself, a typical US sports fan (well typical outside of being a soccer fan). Just too esoteric a discussion for me I suppose.
I guess to explain it quickly, we're so used to winning (Brazil wins approx. 90% of their matches, just look at the records) that we don't want to just win a match. We want to win with style. We want to see the players playing beautifully, because that's how we're known (or used to be I guess) out in the world. Imagine a really hot chick who's known for having the best body ever, and she *loves* getting compliments. Do you think she'd cover her body when she went to the beach? Nope. That's kinda how it goes for us.
Dunga's style is very pragmatic. He made Brazil's playing style very European, because in his eyes, Brazil tried to "jogar bonito" way too much in 2006 and we all know what happened (French happened). He prefers to win a match 1-0 playing poorly than anything else. Well, guess what... if we're used to getting that "hot chick's body compliment" every single day, it won't be enough for us to hear "Ah, nice purse." It's a compliment, yes, but honestly? Not enough. It shows how big our ego is for soccer (some call it cocky, but I don't agree fully - you have to understand our soccer culture before make that assumption).
Force10 said:
Related ti that, is it a certainty that Dunga will be dismissed?
Yes, it is. Dunga had signed up to be Brazil's coach for 4 years, right after 2006's World Cup. He even stated today at the post-match press conference that he's leaving. And I guarantee you, the population is very happy about that. Here's a headline I read today after the match:
"Let's look at the good side of things: the Dunga-Era is over."
From now on, I'm supporting Uruguay. I hope they go all the way.