Socio-Political Metal in South America


Nov 21, 2002
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I've read some articles about some socio-political movements in South America. I'm aware that no matter what I read, I don't understand. I realize some of what my government has done to your people and I think that a high level of resentment, even hatred, is just.

I'm sick and tired of us acting like strangers, though. I want an honest discussion.

Most of all, I want to know what I'm doing wrong. I want to hear opinions about the average jack-ass in the US. If it's not directly related to metal, or even music, that's fine. I really want to establish a meaningful and productive dialogue.

If you don't want to talk to me, at least let us know about some interesting socio-political music from up there.
I Thinks it´s because u pretend to be the world and manipulate and control all.

U have to know that the world is´t of you......

But Not all the United States Citizens are like this, I know very people that are sick of this.

Good Bye Men

And Long Live Metal.
When we learned of the Cold War in school, the only time Latin America was mentioned was focused on Cuba.

I love the US because I love my friends and family who live hear, not because I feel that I have the right to preach. I think that you're right that we tend to think that our way is right and others should conform. We mean well, but we need more input to understand.

When we don't understand, we assume. That may be our biggest flaw: our levels of ignorance and assumption.
Wow. Good, honest thread. And coming from an american (yes, i know not all americans are that way. But i am still surprised whenever i see an american like you). Points to you, metu. Seriously. This thread has made me happi(er than i already was today, which is a lot). :)

I don't really feel like discussing politics at this very moment, though. My day has been amazing, and i don't want to ruin it by thinking of all the reasons the LatinAmerica-vs-USA scene is so fucked up. Maybe tomorrow.

Thanks, though. :)
BastardSonOfGod said:
Americans are really nice and good people... I just think that you have a bad leaders.
Although I'm not from Latin America, I subscribe to an opinion:)

What about RAC/OI scene in Latin America? There are total merging of RAC&Black/pagan metal scene In my country.
I don't what is RAC/OI... About Pagan Metal, there're a lot of Black/Pagan Metal bands in the south of Chile... And there are a few cool bands from Mexico :)... I never heard about Bands from Ukraine :) can you mention one?
BastardSonOfGod said:
I don't what is RAC/OI... About Pagan Metal, there're a lot of Black/Pagan Metal bands in the south of Chile... And there are a few cool bands from Mexico :)... I never heard about Bands from Ukraine :) can you mention one?

I mean RAC (rock against communism) & Oi (oi-punk) – music of nazi-skinheads. (I know some Sweden bands in this style – Pluton Svea, Ultima Thule, Odins Ånglar) There are the most popular ideas in black/pagan metal scene in Ukraine. These movements – black metallers, native-heathens and NS skinheads are almost the same.
There are many black, pagan, folk/epic metal bands in local scene. However, their number decreased to compare with 1998-2002. The most famous bands - Nokturnal mortum (early - sympho BM, latest- NS/folk BM, Astrofaes (sympho BM), Drudkh (atmospheric/raw BM), Dub Buk (NS BM). Some more, I can mark out Te Deum - excellent sympho death-doom and Flying – uninteresting but popular for unknown reason In Flames replica. Some time later I can upload the most interesting stuff.
Hehe...this thread is devoted to south american scene...:)
Oh Ok :) At least in Chile, there's a small "skinheads" scene... Neonazi, but most of the Rock/Punk bands are against all that things... About Black Metal bands... well Hetroertzen, Hhahda, Aeshva Dæva, Temple, all bands from the south of Chile, close to Chiloe, the lands where people are still afraid of Wizards and Throlls (We have a very strong mythology)... :kickass:
Sepultura from Brazil and Criminal from Chile... I can't remember more political bands... most of the South american bands are against religions...

metu said:
I've read some articles about some socio-political movements in South America. I'm aware that no matter what I read, I don't understand. I realize some of what my government has done to your people and I think that a high level of resentment, even hatred, is just.

I'm sick and tired of us acting like strangers, though. I want an honest discussion.

Most of all, I want to know what I'm doing wrong. I want to hear opinions about the average jack-ass in the US. If it's not directly related to metal, or even music, that's fine. I really want to establish a meaningful and productive dialogue.

If you don't want to talk to me, at least let us know about some interesting socio-political music from up there.

As someone said before, the problem isn't the americans. The problem is your leader. I have several friends who live in USA, and all of them are nice people. The world today is full of diferences among people, races, religions, etc, I wont be the one to act like an anti-USA just 'cause they're the most powerful nation nowadays. I mean, it's inevitable to us to blame US for some of our situations, but keep in mind that when we say "United States", we're refering to your government, not the people.
Glad to make your day a bit better, UndoControl. Thanks for the kind words.

I'm glad to see most of y'all seem to understand that there are larger, more complicated forces at work than just some monolithic "big, bad America."

As for music which addresses these larger issues: I've been listening to Sepultura devoutly recently: more than is probably healthy.

I challenge anyone and everyone: argue with Sepultura.
OK. Seriously. We don't have a clue.

I don't watch the news or any of that shit, but today I was listening to the radio and all hell was breaking lose. Apparently and American was killed in southern Mexico! They interviewed his family and shit!

Those of you who have never lived in the United States are wrong. You are being fed a pile of horse-shit. Those of you who have never lived in Mexico are wrong. You are being fed a pile of horse-shit.

Tell me you don't love the baritone saxaphone.
