Softube Bass Amp Room


arsehole know-it-all
Jan 1, 2008
Hey Guys

I tried this plug out yesterday and wrote a review.

On the rock/metal side of things I think this would be good for tones in the style of:
Marilyn Manson (90's)
Black Sabbath
Queens of the stone age
Anything with a big round solid bottom end

Not good for tones in the style of:
Incubus (older fast stuff)
Lamb Of God
Killswitch Engage
Punk styles
Anything fast with a pick

I prefer the tones in the second group so I'll be trying out the competition

I do think it sounds great, but doesn't cover all the bass styles I need.

Hopefully some of you will find the review helpful.
if its good for black sabbath its gotta be good for teh doom dronez

i will check this ish out.
As it goes, what would you recommend for a bass tone similar to Tool's? I've got Line 6 Amp Farm, and Ampeg SVX. Neither of them do it particularly well imo.
Hmm, funny Metal Amp Room which I bought a while back lends itself well to doom drone as well... seems Softube is a bunch of doom fans :lol:
A tone similar to Tool should be pretty easy to get with most real amps and a bit of EQ. I like the small Ampeg BA112, it's not too big, not too small good for recording and can do a variety of tones. One day I'll get one for myself.

With software it's not the same, plugging the bass into the interface just results in a really dull uninspiring tone and it's difficult to get it sounding like it's through a real amp. I haven't found anything that FEELS like playing through a real amp.

I'm going to review as many Bass Amp sims as I can find.
With software it's not the same, plugging the bass into the interface just results in a really dull uninspiring tone and it's difficult to get it sounding like it's through a real amp. I haven't found anything that FEELS like playing through a real amp

Agreed. With guitar, it's kind of passable with TH-1 in my opinion, but with bass, nothing is good enough.
How does it compare to SVX? I think to expect any amp or sim to provide metal tones out of the box without some hefty tweaking using crossover EQ and separate tweaking of different frequency ranges is a bit wishful. Maybe down the track, but I've not heard the current crop of real bass amps ever do it without some significant tweakage with overdrive pedals and/or splitting highs to a dual rect :lol:
Just got the license for GK Amp Pro. I was just going through the demo presets yesterday after I finally set my basses up, this amp seems to be exactly what I'm looking for.
I may even dodge having to buy a real bass amp :tickled:
I'll have a review out in the next week.

What other bass amp sims should I review?
-IK Multimedia Ampeg SVX? I have the Uno version and it's very limited but does get some use when mixing
-Studio Devil VBA
-Markbass Studio1 There's a demo up now

I'll be emailing all these companies today