soilwork like nickelback

i dont know what the fuck the point was in the original post in this thread, but I have to say, comparing soilwork to nickleback is as bad as comparing opeth to korn. the new soilwork cd absolutely kicks ass. devin just made what they were already doing better.
yup I think that's very true, in my opinion they sound better. I like how their mixing lots of metal styles, instead of playing their old trashy stuff, those were good, but lacks on originality. although the guitar is not as good, I can hear the Devin in this album, and I think it's great.
I also like the new In Flames too. maybe I just like clean vocals toomuch.nah I don't think so....death forever!!
Originally posted by Ketsukusa
yup I think that's very true, in my opinion they sound better. I like how their mixing lots of metal styles, instead of playing their old

who fuckin' care about originality ?

do you think that the last soilwork is original?

i only think that is not powerful and if a metal group born with aggressive attitude i don't say they do not have an evolution but they must not lose power!

otherwise they have no more integrity!

i think that integrity is the first thing metal or not...

Originally posted by Ketsukusa
I like how their mixing lots of metal styles, instead of playing their old trashy stuff, those were good, but lacks on originality.

WTF??? tell me, where you find metal on "NBC"? it's just pure pop...

btw: new In Flakes is one of the best album this year...
It seems as though Eldzik has a penis on his head! O_O

Yeh, new Soilwork is good... softer and less agressive than the old stuff, but I like it.

And yes, it is almost comparable to Nickelback, in the sense that it IS getting radio play in the US. So are In Flames.

And their videos are playing...

Melodic DM will be the next American phaze I reckon...

But oh well, the music still kicks ass!! \m/
Originally posted by Soilworker
It seems as though Eldzik has a penis on his head! O_O

yep, it's true you fuckin' kangaroo! but seriously, could you back to your transformers and mp3 collection son? to tell truth i listen metal since the year when you was born kangaroo... so, shut up kid :D
I dont fucking understand how you can say that Soilwork is nu-metal?

riffs: they sound metal too me
vocals: metal to me, except the cleans vocals (no nu-metal whining either)
drumming: metal to me... some good double bass ( is that fucking nu-metal)
synths: (are synths used in nu metal? no!)

And i'm missing some essential nu-metal elements.. such as whiny vocals (not present at all),typical nu-metal riffs (none present), and rap/hiphop influences (also none)...

So shut the fuck up about Soilwork being nu-metal!
NBC is a change, but Speed has said, many, many times in interviews, that the band will be moving in new directions now, and in the future, because they don't wanna do the same stuff over and over again, either "evolve or get left behind."
Even if you don't like NBC, you can always go back to the Chainheart Machine, and Steelbath Suicide to go back to.
Originally posted by ffanatic
NBC is a change, but Speed has said, many, many times in interviews, that the band will be moving in new directions now, and in the future, because they don't wanna do the same stuff over and over again, either "evolve or get left behind."
Even if you don't like NBC, you can always go back to the Chainheart Machine, and Steelbath Suicide to go back to.

evolution doesn't mean lack of power ...

expecially in the extreme metal field!

if you take a deep listen to bands like emperor or zyklon you know what i mean!

and in NBC there is no progression of harmonies or particular songs construction

only more melodic choruses and less power!

Originally posted by dimensionidol
evolution doesn't mean lack of power ...

expecially in the extreme metal field!

if you take a deep listen to bands like emperor or zyklon you know what i mean!

and in NBC there is no progression of harmonies or particular songs construction

only more melodic choruses and less power!


NBC is still powerful, but in a different way. The entire CD seems to be rythmn driven, and Speed's clean vocals have improved tremendously, and, as I said, you always have there first 2 discs to go back to. To each their own.
ive been sitting here literally for 20 minutes typing things and deleting them because quite frankly i have absolutely no idea what the fuck to say. you people have to be some of the most ignorant, dumb fucks to call soilwork nu metal.

right now soilwork are the best songwriters in metal, period.(other than devin) you can bitch and moan all you want about too much clean vocals because thats obviously not "tr00" enough for you, but this is the truth. they can write fucking songs and put together songs that flow well and are catchy.
Originally posted by Eldzik
yep, it's true you fuckin' kangaroo! but seriously, could you back to your transformers and mp3 collection son? to tell truth i listen metal since the year when you was born kangaroo... so, shut up kid :D


Ouch my poor little heart is broken because some internet bum insulted me...


You have been listening for metal since 1985? And you still think Soilwork aren't metal? You seriously need to open your mind a bit. I feel very sad for you.

(By the way, I don't really care about any of this, I just want to start a flame war...)
I'll join in!! FUCK YOU!!

so what if the veteran metal man hates NBC, who cares. as long as he understands devins music...wait!! NBC is produced by Devin!! ok!! FUCK THE FUCKING FUCK OUT OF HIS FUCKIN FUCK!!