SOLIDVISION(Symphony X meets Dream Theater and Orphaned Land)


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Well, i can't really describe their music except FU*KING AWESOME. To me its like SymphonyX meets Dream Theater and Orphaned Land in a dark alley and they fight it out, and all three are on Steriods. You have got to hear this, and alot of you will identify with the first two tracks "IVAN", and "THE HURRICANE". To put it mildly this CD will give you hours upon hours of enjoyment and will blow your socks off. These 5 Italians are so talented, so passionate, and their music comes from the soul. You will be amazed at the drummer a cross between Neil Peart, Virgil Donati, and Jukka Nevalanien, and the have this bass player that well AWESOME, the vocalist reminds me a little of LANCE KING, and the dueling guitar and keyboards will know you down check them out at and if you like what you hear whick i know alot of you will then order it from NIGHTMARE RECORDS, Lance has it and their debut in stock right now their debut is titled "11" and the new one is "The Hurricane". You won't regret this purchase.:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: i give it 5 horns
AngraRULES said:
Oh man.
The description can only mean one thing...

YOU GOT THAT RIGHT, i mean when LANCE KING says "Dude this is so frigging awesome, you won't believe it" I have to get it, when LANCE makes a recommendation I LISTEN!!!!!!!!
oh well i made two entries on the same quote, guess i need more coffee or back to bed. It's been a bad week and a half, what with the surgery I had last friday, and the pain killers and now the frigging cast on my foot, it's a wonder i can remember my name.
so the 3rd band in the description had me VERY curious...

I definitely hear Symphony X type stuff.
I definitely hear Dream Theater type stuff.
Orphaned Land? Not at all? :erk:
Sorry to pop the bubble but although talented, they sound like a bazillion other italian prog power bands.
Kenneth R. said:
so the 3rd band in the description had me VERY curious...

I definitely hear Symphony X type stuff.
I definitely hear Dream Theater type stuff.
Orphaned Land? Not at all? :erk:
Sorry to pop the bubble but although talented, they sound like a bazillion other italian prog power bands.
I appreciate the feedback, i knew alot of people would say that, and i can respect it, it's good to hear other people's comments. You have to have the CD to hear the Orphaned land likeness.