Solo album is FINISHED!

Might want to move the discussion to another thread and keep this one on topic.

On that note..

Sounds pretty amazing Val, any estimation on how long until it will be available for download/purchase?
go with the label. If you do it independently You could still do pretty well though. Fans are the best advertisers! Trust me! :rock: still... i think the lebel is the best choice... but i ain't a pro! God bless your choice :rock:
It doesn't sound to bad right now, but a label might help push it to a better sound. Also I know this awesome recording guy in Athens, GA, that I did the cover artwork to his last album, that is absolutely AMAZING! Maybe if yo mention my name, you can get a deal. He might be expensive. He's also a perfectionist, so watch the whip! :D
man are there any other bands similar to Theocracy that are good? I tried Driver and Balance of Power... eh... they are ok.

You need to listen to A LOT of Stryper. They are very diverse every album start with the first ones and build your way up. I'm not a BIG fan of the new stuff but the old stuff is just solid awesomeness!
Theocracy has a fairly unique sound, so I wouldn't expect there are many other bands 'like' theocracy out there.

Majestic Vanguard is pretty good


Not a huge fan of screaming, but demon hunter is a pretty good band too

I have not yet found a band that I like nearly as much as Theocracy. Though Symphony X is really good and have a pretty similiar sound (they aren't Christian though, I don't know if that matters to you or not)