Solo C+Impulses - DFH+Samples - Studio Devil Bass


Oct 22, 2008

So I recorded a new song least the first a part of it; there are no vocals yet but I want the instruments to sound decent first anyway.

I didn't compress the mix yet or did anything else to it...this is just the it is a bit quiet and you'll probably have to turn your speakers up.

The cymbals are DFH; I replaced kick and snare.

There are 4 Solo C guitar tracks with two different Impulses; I did a hi-pass at about 90 Hz on each track...I'm not quite sure about the volumes of the guitars and if they lack low end.

The bass is only one track - studio devil bass.

Well, any feedback/constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated!

Thanks in advance! :)
I really like the guitarsound. You didn't overgain and that works really well with 4 tracks of guitar. The sound is still open.:worship:
Wanna share guitarpickup? TSS? EQ? Compression? (on guitars)
Wich impulses did you use?

Thanks for the feedback.

Here are the guitar settings:


Tone 10
Level 5

Solo C:

Input 5
Crunch 0
Overdrive 1.5
OD Boost ON
Contour 6.5
Bass 10
Middle 2
High 5
Master 6.5

I used awesometime s-preshigh and "NewIR_1" (one for the left and one for the right side).

And I also used Andy Sneap's onfamous settings. ;)

No additional EQing besides a hi- and lowpass.
Yeah, I don't like the DFH cymbals that much and I tried to EQ them and obviously overdid it. ;)

I guess I will go back to the drums and try to make them sound better. :)
Yeah, I don't like the DFH cymbals that much and I tried to EQ them and obviously overdid it. ;)

I guess I will go back to the drums and try to make them sound better. :)
Yeah! Give it another try, because everything else sound good to me. Another thing, maybe the lead guitar (or is it a synth?) is a little too loud. I think it should be leveled with the rest of the instruments