SOLSTICE - New Dark Age

this band should be a circle jerk by the way

seriously, it rarely gets better than this album....the guitar tone is perfection, and i would even imagine it's worth buying a turntable just to own this release on vinyl. the sound is so warm, the vinyl will melt in your fingers
i've been anxiously awaiting the boxset reissue that is coming soon

figure its the easiest way to pick up more material with less monies!
If anyone's looking for the original release, I'm willing to trade/sell it, since I don't feel the need to have the original over a superior reissue.
I can't understand from that site whether those re-released are actually available or not?
It will come out at some point in time.

Probably in the next 5-6 weeks. Desolation Angels should be out then too, which I believe Rich said will be either 35 dollars or euros...can't remember, and for some reason I can't access Hellride right now to look it up. But there's going to be a diehard of that too with a patch and some other crazy shit.
Actually I haven't gotten the reissue, since I'm waiting for the box-set version, which is supposed to (FINALLY) come out in February. I still haven't decided whether or not to sell my copy of NDA...
Obviously nothing beats the original, but that cover rules. They haven't kept it clean at all, almost as if they played it live and recorded it in one take [which is probably accurate] but otherwise it works quite well

Good ol' Rich Walker