Some Compression Questions..


Apr 7, 2006
Hey guys. Sorry for this completely n00b question. But I am a bit confused with all this compression talk.

When someone says compress something in the 10k range, or maybe the 10hz range, what are they talking about?

Also, compressing something 5-6 db, what does that mean? I'm just trying to compress some stuff in the default cubase dynamic compressor, but I seem to not know my way around it. I kind of just mess with the bar and make a triangle any which way.

Thanks for the help.
you would use a multiband compressor to target a specific area

& the db are those little numbers you see there on the graph going for 0-12, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out
I would hazard a guess that it's the Universal Audio Precision Mastering Series Multiband Compressor/Expander/Gate - don't know why, just kind of a gut feeling :D
this is the UAD Precision Multiband.. comp - and Zuranthus is right
multiband compression is usually what they are talking about when they say "compress around 240..." and when they say compress about 4 or 5 db they are saying compress until you get about 4 or 5 db of gain reduction.
I would hazard a guess that it's the Universal Audio Precision Mastering Series Multiband Compressor/Expander/Gate - don't know why, just kind of a gut feeling :D
keen observational skills:lol:

you can use a dynamic compressor also, but why complicate yourself...the multiband is easier to figure out, least that was my experience when i first started getting into this stuff