1-they are announcing it for years! they sometimes send a few rockets there. it means "we are still here, never forget us!"
2-u're talkin about only Bush. what about C.I.A.? if u trust them, u must be crazy!
all the states have their own "deepness" and "secrets"
so, I never trust the states, never trust the politicians, also the huge shit called "media".
I don't believe everything I read or heard...
3-a fact:
the solar bears will be extinct in next 4 years
because of global warming
so, probably ur children are gonna see them only in books.
'cause nobody do something works
see Bush. why didN't he sign for the KIYOTO PROTOCOL?
4-a fact:
13 million people in Africa are about to be dead!
because of hunger, AIDS, floods and aridity.
5-some people go to GYM to lose their weight
some children die because of hunger..