some facts in life..


Jun 1, 2002
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this topic ain't about music directly
but I supposed that a thrash fan cares about the earth he lives on..

so I wanna talk about some problems that influence the earth and our lives.

this is about passive solar energy..

Many different techniques can be used to convert sunlight into useful forms of energy. Active and passive solar energy technologies are generally used for space conditioning (heating and cooling), while solar electric technologies such as photovoltaic cells convert sunlight into electricity. Although the distinction between active and passive solar is blurry, the use of integral building components to capture the sun's energy is considered passive solar. Active solar technologies are generally add-on features which utilize mechanical means to distribute captured solar energy. An example of active solar energy is a solar hot water heater, while passive solar features may be as simple as south facing windows.

Passive solar building features can be used to heat and cool buildings, as well as provide light. The best time to incorporate passive solar technologies in a building is during the initial design. Passive solar features can often be included in new buildings without significantly adding to construction costs, while at the same time providing energy savings of up to 40%. Designing the buildings we live and work in, to capture the ambient energy of the sun through passive solar features, is one of the least expensive and most environmentally friendly methods of providing for our energy needs.
Each year, an enormous amount of solar energy reaches the earth's atmosphere. Much of this is reflected back into space by clouds before it reaches the planet's surface. Ninety-nine percent of the sunlight which does reach the ground is converted into heat (the other 1% is captured by plants through photosynthesis) and radiated back into space. If only a small fraction of this energy could be captured, the world's energy demands could be met. Even in cold climates like Canada, the amount of useful solar energy reaching the ground in the winter is greater than the daily heating requirements of a well insulated house.

The capture of solar energy by passive solartechnologies has almost no negative impact on the environment. Passive solar energy gives off no air or water emissions and therefore does not contribute to any of the environmental problems such as acid rain and global warming, which are associated with other source of energy. The sun is also a virtually inexhaustible source of energy which is "renewable" and will never become depleted like fossil fuels.

There is nothing new about using the sun's energy to heat our living spaces; humankind has used passive solar techniques for thousands of years. In the last century, cheap and abundant fossil fuels have led to the abandonment of passive solar building design. Rediscovering passive solar energy and incorporating technological advances can go a long way towards creating a more sustainable energy future.

REMEMBER THIS FACT; some men(!) don't support the solar energy and wanna use petroleum in spite of it's cause of too many environmental problems!
I wonder why!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

look at the middle east and ask why..

for more healthy and better world:headbang:
i hail your responsibility as earth's sources are extincting more everyday. petroleum especially- wonder how much are consumed in f1 races. solar energy isn't supported because of some rich assholes' profits of petroleum.
the car that works with boron was invited
and there're cars that work with solar energy..

and don't forget nuclear energy stations. they've fucked the nature and still stay on...

solar energy is the clearest and the cheapest
but "some rich assholes" still want petroleum.
that's their fuckin profits...:mad:

and it's the important point that petroleum is cause of many wars...
people are dying... :cry: :mad:
evil greedy moneymakers speculating over dickensian's lives are like the boogeyman or el cu cuy: it's quite easy to blame it all on them when you're afraid of the dark.
solar energy is not supported because the costs-benefits balance is dead set against it, for now. manufacturers and producers would be more than happy to set up another line of business and earn even more money (btw: wouldn't you be happy to earn more money?) if the solutions were viable: or are we talking about aliens-inspired government conspiracy to plunge planet earth to its pollution-intensive doom? well, moulder and scully, wise up: petroleum is still the most economy-friendly form of energy, and so much for the environment care. should times get rougher or petroleum resources be depleted, new ideas will be investigated further and a way will be found to make profit out of them, be it passive solar energy or monkey farts.

Oh geez...

Solar power is EXPENSIVE AS HELL!!!

Nuclear energy is CHEAP... It just has long term detrimental by products....

Or we could just keep buring fossil fuels, which are really the cheapest...

I'm all for "saving the world"....

But some things just aren't realistic...

How about your solar powered car in Washington where they don't get direct sunlight for days at a time? Or in Alaska where there are MONTHS without daylight???

Solar Power will NOT save the world...

It would cost you in excess of $100,000 to outfit a house to use ONLY solar energy. And it would not see any benefit for over 50 years!!!

You can build a house to utilize technology to SUPPLIMENT eletrical needs, but NOT to replace it.

Passive solar technology is a great idea, and much of it's implemenation is under way with new construction, but most of America live in EXISTING buildings that do not use these newer features....

Anyways, great idea, but there's just no profit in it, so we won't see anything happen on a global scale, probably ever.
Originally posted by rahvin
evil greedy moneymakers speculating over dickensian's lives are like the boogeyman or el cu cuy: it's quite easy to blame it all on them when you're afraid of the dark.
solar energy is not supported because the costs-benefits balance is dead set against it, for now. manufacturers and producers would be more than happy to set up another line of business and earn even more money (btw: wouldn't you be happy to earn more money?) if the solutions were viable: or are we talking about aliens-inspired government conspiracy to plunge planet earth to its pollution-intensive doom? well, moulder and scully, wise up: petroleum is still the most economy-friendly form of energy, and so much for the environment care. should times get rougher or petroleum resources be depleted, new ideas will be investigated further and a way will be found to make profit out of them, be it passive solar energy or monkey farts.

do you think it is right to sell the world for your own benefits? solar or other cheap sources of energy would be more emphasised if some people didn't have so much passion for petroleum
Originally posted by overkiller

do you think it is right to sell the world for your own benefits? solar or other cheap sources of energy would be more emphasised if some people didn't have so much passion for petroleum

i have no call to say what's right or wrong. exploitation is not fair, granted. but i don't see any direct connection between exploitation and petroleum. exploitation could and would take place no matter what form of energy we're considering. and this is not because of petroleum-crazed moneymakers (why would they care what substance are they getting money from?), just because relationships in the world are based largely on differences and disequilibrium, and this is what it takes for economy to work also. you'd have no internet or personal computer if it wasn't for a world market administered by the "thugs" you label as the scum of the earth.
i agree that things might need improving, but this is regardless of the form of energy.

And would you know? America is the biggest consumer of fossil fuels. We use 9 billion gallons of oil alone each year. Fossil fuels are expected to be completely exhuasted in the next ten years. That's in our life time people!!! America unfortunately has to look to foreign supplies since we only contain 3% of the world supply for oil. The deal with the Alaskian oil drill is that we go into a wildlife refuge (where the breeding grounds are for the endangered carribo(sp?)) and drill oil. Problem is, the oil in there is estimated around 10 billion gallons in scattered pockets. After we drain that, it's off to California, Yellow Stone Park, and other places of the country in a desprate attempt to not be dependent on foriegn oil anymore.

Another FYI: war is needed. I'm not a supporter of it. I WANT our troops OUT of Afganistan. War is suppose to help our economy but this "War on Terror" is doing the complete opposite. Why you ask? BECAUSE WE'RE FIGHTING SHADOWS!!! we DON'T know who our enemy is. It's like Vietnam all over again.

Ah, I feel a little better, thanks for letting me vent.
1- solar energy may be expensive but how much?
nothing can be more expensive than nature and life!
and solar energy can not be more expensive than war technologies..

2-I do not support damn el-kaide and fuckin terrorism
but I do not support U.S.'s politics
every causes have results
and terrorism is a result
the world is the playground of the U.S.A. and they play
and we people pay the price...with our lives!

all the world are fightin, even tribes in Africa
then, before askin why, we have to ask "who has benefits from those fuckin wars?"..."who earns money from the weapon commerce?"..."how does afganistan occure like that?"..
recall chili..I never forget..
We've been trying to do something about pollution, China and Russia are two of the biggest polluters in this word, yet they do nothing and no one is willing to talk about that... why?

Because America is one of the only countries that has the financial and technical prowess to do anything about it.

Sure, clean power and no pollution are great ideas.

Try getting the rest of the world to follow suit.
Russia? I've never liked Russia, too.
I'm Circassian and my roots are from Caucasus. There's a huge war there for a long long time, about 140 years!
that's just Native Americans' situation. The causes are the same but we still resist and fight for our freedom.
(ok, I'm not fightin personally but my people are..)
Russia attacked to bring us "civilization". They said we're savage!
They threw us away from our lands. Most of people (about %70) died on the roads of exile. and the war is still on. so, I can never forgive Russia..
and so I understand Native Americans very well and I can never forgive U.S., too.

and..about pollution..
U.S.A. is the world champ about pollution for a head (in 1999, it was 20.46 ton CO2 for a year!)
and the state refused to sign Kiyoto Protocol :mad: , refused to sign Anti-landmines Protocol and so on..

and now refused to sign for ICC (international criminal court), too!

(I remember Nurenberg Courts..have u ever seen its movie? all the people in this world HAVE TO watch this movie!)

Other states that refused to sign this regulation are China, Russia, Israel, Arabian countries and some Asian countries..
I blame all of them!
:Shedevil: :mad:

and another shame..
Bush doesn't even apologize for Uruzgan
you know, U.S.A. jets bombed a wedding house in Uruzgan, Afganistan...BY ACCIDENT!
so, 48 civils are dead and 117 are injured "by accident"!
It's...:yell: DISGUSTING!

and I'm sure that,
all those dickheads who want war; if they go to fight personally, the wars would become less...

It's easy to say "go, fight and die"
actually they mean
"go, fight and die to make me richer than before"
:yuk: :mad: :yell:

I'm angry...forever!
Originally posted by testacat
and I'm sure that,
all those dickheads who want war; if they go to fight personally, the wars would become less...

a lot of those who go to war do it willingly. terrorism in the middle-east is a consequence of local culture and religious belief. powermongers in their ivory towers are just the tip of the iceberg: no evil moneymaker in europe or the usa could bring so many ppl to die for a cause such as fundamentalism, but they do in afghanistan and other countries. why? because their ppl believe it's good and right. and the western world could spend years submerging those countries with health care and coca cola but still they would think it's right to go and slit as many of our throats as it's possible, unless a different culture seeps in. and i call this different culture my capitalistic culture, whose ends are not the utter termination of everybody who thinks differently, provided he doesn't attack first.
and nobody's saying you're supporting anything, this is about stating our opinions. :)
