Some final thoughts on the Orphaned Land performance


Jan 11, 2006
OL decided to play a lot of new material. I think the majority of the time was spent playing new material. Always a risk. I was in the seats for this performance and mostly sat with my arm and hand propping up my chin. I didn't know what to think by the time it was over. It wasn't until I started listening to the new album that the performance started to make sense for me.

Being that OL's first performance was one of the first performances at a ProgPower that I ever saw, and it was an amazing experience, I had very high hopes. But for this second performance I did not have the same level of energy. The band seemed to be doing everything right, but something wasn't allowing me to feel that energy.

It's the new music. Not that it is new, but that it is so much more complex than Mabool that it rarely rocks the fuck out. The music has some pretty dense melodies, drum lines, and often has notes at odd beats. Its the type of music that demands your full attention. At other times its so blackened that its shocking.

In my memories, at least, I now have a fonder view of that performance. But I still have to admit that I mostly had a 'what the fuck' and a 'why isn't this working for me' reaction to it. At first I thought it might have been that I had already seen them so it wasn't the same and maybe some novelty wore off, but now I realize it was not that at all.
Yes finally someone put to it words. I totally wanted to be into since like you Scott, PP VI was my first year, but it just wasnt rocking last year and I couldnt put my finger on it as to why. I still need to spin the new one from beginning to end
the different opinions are always interesting for me. I suppose if OL won you over with Mabool, then you would naturally want that same vibe. For me, Mabool sparked my interest, but their performance was transcendant to me. Very moving in almost a spiritual way.