Some gay holiday pics


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May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
Great holiday. Hong Kong and Phuket were amazing, but I won't be hurrying back to Bangkok. Here's a few gay pics :)


On an Island off of Phuket. It's where the "Sea Gypsies" live.


The view from our hotel room in Phuket.


Julie drowning...


A tiny Island we had pretty much all to ourselves for a whole morning. Amazing place.
Another shot of the same Island


The hotel in Phuket again.


Me doing my best not to poo my pants. Notice the forced smile...


The floating market near Bangkok. On a boat there's no escape from the constant stream of touts and hawker after the tourist $$$. Great place to see, but the locals did their very best to rip us off at every turn.


Julie looking a bit sad as we had to go back to London that day...

Attacked by ladyboys in Phuket. The bag is there to hide my erection... Actually these girls / guys grabbed the camera from Julie and insisted I pose for a shot. They then harranged me for 10 minutes to part with 500 Baht (about £8.00UK) for the priviledge.. They got 200 in the end, but only because they were bigger than me and I didn't want my arse kicked by a bunch of trannies..


We went to a tourist show with Elephants and Thai dancers, etc. I'm not sure that this was in the script, but I was delighted to be able to capture the moment :)


Julie getting friendly with the locals.


A particularly scary cablecar in Hong Kong. Wobbled like crazy and went for about 2km.


A great view of Hong Kong from the top of the peak tram.


Hong Kong Island at night. The view from the Star Ferry.


A market in Hong Kong. Selling delights like live frogs and all sorts of live / dead / dried fish, etc. Smelled as good as it sounds...
Well that rocks!! Excellent vacation you had:) I hope it makes you both feel just great.
RTW I heard in Thailand and in the other countries of Asia are so much exotic infectious deseases... Well, for example... You can meet there a sort of tiny worms wich are penetrating into your heels and creeping under your skin... Check up your heels Lee! :D This little bastards could be more extremely than russian moskitos! Hehee! Cheers!
Yeah, worms... LOL... my goodnes. I really know what kind of worms it is. They first creep into your ass and then you start saying "cheers" like a crazy one. ...errrr.. there's something missing in the end of this post... something, which makes me feel really uncomfortable... ah, yeah:
I don't get it. How my font size can be connected to what I have in my ass. By the way, I haven't been to Fucket or whatever that place was called. I just talked to Lee a bit. You think that would be enough to have 'em?