Some general advice on mix, please!

Of Stars

New Metal Member
Nov 18, 2010
I'm just using Reaper, podfarm(for guitars, bass and vocals) and superior 2.2

I'm not trying to make anything super polished and these are just going to be on an album I'm making just for friends to listen to, basically, since they are mostly older songs I wrote. Anyway, first one is with vocals and won't have the 4-count in the final mix, 2nd one doesn't have vocals recorded yet, and is a bit more Isis influenced the first half, but vocals will fill it in.

Thanks for checking these out and any feedback is welcome, even ones telling me how awful it is, haha
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The mix definitaly sounds a little weak and kind of harsh. It seems a little muddy too in the low end.. try maybe a more aggressive high pass filter on the guitars? and def a LPF on those cymbals., it seems liek a lot of intruments are fighting eachother in this thing.
Mybe if you uploaded the raws we coudl give it a try?
What would be the best way to do that? I guess not a lot of people do it this way, but I mix my drums in a separate session and render it down and use the wav file in the session with all of the other instruments because I don't think my laptop could handle running SD 2.2 midi samples and all of the effects attached to the other instruments. I greatly appreciate all of the help and feedback!
To be completely honest I feel like you'll need better guitar tones for that mix to sound even semi-professional. Volume balance and post processing is not really worth noting at the moment IMO because the guitars don't sound real and those other instruments might work well with better guitar tracks. I don't mean to bash but to give honest advice. :)