Some Good New Stuff!


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Mar 29, 2003
Just thought I'd recommend two things I picked up today that kick ass. First is the new Pink Cream 69 album "Thunderdome". AMAZING!!! Second is the Nuclear Blast 2DVD NTSC Monsters Of Metal with videos from Helloween (Just A Little Sign), Hammerfall, Stratovarius, Thunderstone, Primal Fear, Sonata Artica, and many more. VERY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Q
I will have to check out new PC 69. I have been want to check out that DVD set myself. Looks like someone has been to Impulse Music. I live about 5 minutes from there. Would be cool if they offered an Impulse credit card.
I recently(within last month) picked up
Tarot: Suffer Our Pleasures -- Marco's vocals and bass is the boost they needed. Easily top 5 best of year.:worship:
Swallow The Sun- The Morning Never Came- Perfect mix of Clean and Growl vocals. Genius song structure and lyrics are haunting to emotional.:cool:
Lost Horizon- A Flame To The Gound Beneath--nutz!:hypno:
Falconer-Chapters From a Vale Forlorn--my second copy, first one went missing..hmmm.:confused:
Psycroptic-The Scepter of the Ancients- Not for the faint of heart. Extremely technical. Vocals are basically spastic cookie monster but relaxing at the same time. :flame: As you can tell I llike all that is metal.:rock: :rock:
Can't comment on #1...

But I ordered the DVD from The End Records when they got it in I'm waiting for that in the mail *Feels the post office should be open on Sundays...:yell: *
DOn't like Pink Cream 69. Too "rock' n roll" for my taste. (I have heard new album and my opinion stays the same) As for DVD, have not seen it, but I have seen most of the video clips on it.