some kids will get hammered


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
My parents live in a peaceful little town where there are no crimes and therefore, my parents never locked their car door (for at least 12 years and never had any problem) but, last friday, some kid went into my mom's car and disconnected the battery and stole my mom's bag, which contained her preparations for her classes. They called the police and they have a pretty good idea who did this, but they can't do anything without any proofs. The kid must be around 14-15, who cares. So, my brother and I want to get back there for one weekend and beat the shit out of that kid. I even plan to watch the garage an entire night and if he shows up again, well my baseball bat will see some use again

lizard said:
but wait...a frenchman on the attack...does not compute!

I'm just kidding btw.
:lol: hey, did you know the germans were actually scared of the french canadians during WW2? I heard we're pretty mad on a battleground
yeah. It's all that canadian in their blood. It brawls with their french blood, and turns into some sort of blood bath. Turning them into rabid frothing psychos on the battlefield. :p

not many french in BZ lizzie
Doomcifer said:
He isnt gonna come back. Just go visit him and take the appropriate measure. No use beating around the bush.
he does have some wood cabin in the woods near my parent's house... we could visit that cabin... with a gas can...
AsModEe said:
:lol: hey, did you know the germans were actually scared of the french canadians during WW2? I heard we're pretty mad on a battleground

If by mad on a battleground, you mean good at curling, then yes you where mad on a battleground.
Conspicuously Absent said:
yeah. It's all that canadian in their blood. It brawls with their french blood, and turns into some sort of blood bath. Turning them into rabid frothing psychos on the battlefield. :p

not many french in BZ lizzie
my blood is half german half french :tickled:
If by mad on a battleground, you mean good at curling, then yes you where mad on a battleground.
damn you, I read that in class and started to laugh like an idiot. Everyone was looking at me. The teacher asked what was so funny :erk:
Good things done by french Canadians:
- maple syrup
- hunting
- fur trading
- expensive drunken labour for widowed/desperate families
- Stealing men's wives
- more maple syrup
- Making the natives fight for us against the yankees
lizard said:
we americans owe alot to French Canadians. after all, if Toussaint Charbonneau hadn't kidnapped/married Sacajawea, and gotten her pregnant, and beaten her, then she might not have hooked up with Lewis and Clark.
I have no idea what you'Re talking about, but I'm glad we helped?
lizard said:
you are not familiar with the story of young Sacajawea, Indian girl kidnapped by a rival tribe, sold to Toissaint as a "wife" and then she guided the Lewis and Clark expedition to the pacific northwest to hook up with Conspicously Absent?
I remember the last part of the story, that's all
we even put her on the latest attempt to get amurikans to use a dollar coin, which we don't.

that's baby Pompey on her back.