Some new fast shit


Mar 17, 2007
Örebro, Sweden
Hoi! I threw together some riffs just to have something to work with. Maybe you're not used to hear stuff like this from me but I really felt like doing some standard thrashy/grindy stuff hehe.... It got pretty sweaty with all the downstrokes at 240bpm, but it worked out alright :P

Guitarras: RevalverIII
El basso: pitched guitar with WARP :F
Drums: Same samples as usual except kick, toms and snare.

Here you go then:
I like it man! The "bass" sound was pretty cool as well. What tuning was the guitar in? It sounds like drop B or something low like that. Those drums sound awesome, were you using your own samples?
Thanks for the replies dudes! :)

muckypup1: The tuning is drop A :) And yes, It's my "own" samples.

TheDude: Thanks man :) Ah I see.. Well maybe I'll sell some stuff and get one after all hehe.

Hmm yeah it's pumping really hard, kinda obnoxious. Ever since I switched to Cubase SX3 I haven't been able to make one decent mix and "master", it always ends up really squashed and shit... dunno what the hell has happened haha. Oh well, I guess I'll have to continue practicing :)