Some of my music (feedback and help defining genre please)


New Metal Member
Jun 23, 2011
Hey guys, first post here on these boards. Looks like it's a pretty active metal forum! Finally!!!

I've been recording music off and on for about a year now so I'm still very new to the process. I'm doing all of the instruments on my own (predone drums though) and still working on vocals... that portion isn't important though. What I'm here for is to get feedback and help defining what genre of metal you guys think my music would fall in to. To be honest, I'm not even sure it would qualify as metal. Some of my stuff has an edge but reminds me more of some of hard rock.

To me, metal is such a difficult word and genre to define. In my opinion, metal is the amalgamation of any genre you feel some sort of emotional attachment to put together into a big ol music stew and pressed with a hard edge. For me, metal is to voice a message or inspire an emotion in the most raw way possible.

My music has changed dramaticly since I started recording around this time last year. The easiest way I can describe it is metal + video game music (I specifically set my metal core pedal to sound as much like 8bit music as I could) but I definitely am leaning towards Power Metal I'd say in some of the songs. I'm not sure if it'll help but the vocals I'm working on are mostly clean and are very much like Coheed and Cambria but mixed in with screams similar to Beneath the Sky.

Without further delay, here are some links to my stuff...

Please feel free to post any and all comments. Give me both barrels guys just leave the drums outta it aside from "omg get a fucking drummer" or "get a program to make your own drums with" Let me know what you think of the songs, what genre you feel I fall into, what could be changed, what should be changed, what shouldn't. Anything guys. I'm looking forward to all of your feed back. Please take a few minutes to listen to all 4 of the songs. I have a few others that are not done yet I can post up if need be too!