Some old thrash vids

Dammit i wish this computer was quicker or something Piranha was one of their best keeps breaking up on me.Oh well,Thanks
Ahhh good 'ol youtube. That site kicks ass, they have so many sweet videos. Here's some that I've posted on a different forum:
Laaz Rockit - Fire In The Hole
Nuclear Assault - Critical Mass
Death Angel - Voracious Souls
Testament - Over The Wall
Coroner - Masked Jackal
Tankard - The Mourning After
Erik said:
it's a cover of THE SWEET if i recall correctly

thanks for posting these!

Indeed. Which brings me an anecdote, many years ago I was watching MTV with a friend and they were playing that video. My friend love it but I didn't (since I wasn't into thrash at the time) and I said to him: that's a Saxon cover. And he was pissed it wasn't original and dismissed the video.

Years later not only I found it was originally by Sweet also find Heathen as a great band and now I wish I had that video taped.

Life turns :Spin:
Cool. The Hell Awaits is from the occasionally mentioned (in this forum) Ultimate Revenge video.

Very cool.

Man, I loved Slayer back then....
This vid, and the whole of Ultimate Revenge, is a true testament to the greatness of Dave Lombardo too. He's awesome on the whole thing. Chemical Warfare is especially cool, from the Ultimate Revenge I mean...
Soundmaster, I'm assuming you did a search for both Deep Purple and Glenn Hughes (seperately). A bunch of cool Purple stuff (child in time etc.), and a Glenn Hughes version of Stormbringer....

That's a cool site!