Some personal help please


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
G'day all

I was hoping that I could find some wisdom within this forum once again to be able to help me with afew things that I'd like to improve in my life.
I don't think any of it is too deep so hopefully there is some good advice to be given.

1. Something that is really bugging me is that over the last year I have been getting sick on average once every two months. It's beyond a joke. I'm currently sitting here in 30+ degree weather feeling like I've been hit by a bus. It's summer and I have the flu. Seriously, this has to stop.

I try to eat decently, though admit that my fruit and veg intake could be better. Has anyone turned this around for themselves and be able to share some tips?

2. I feel that for some of the goals I have set myself this year (and beyond) I would like to improve my mental strength, things like being able to deal with stress better, memory, focus and ultimately, self confidence.
Does anyone have any experience in such things?
It will be used to better myself at work and for musical endeavors coming my way.

As always, any assistance will be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately I don't think there would be a 'solid' answer to your issues :/

I have heard of flu shots which are given out each year that supposedly reduce your chance of catching it.. I haven't ever gotten one but might this year.

Second one.. again I don't think there's a way to train yourself to have better memory, etc.. Everything I've learnt in psychology (which, to be honest, has been all of three months, but no reason why it wouldn't be true) is that all these things that help you do certain tasks (like the Nintendo DS games) are specific for that task ONLY. Like, a guy was trained to remember up to like 90 words (random words), but if this changed to numbers he'd be back down to the average which is 7+-2.

But for both, getting somewhat healthier (eating + exercise) would definitely help. I've only recently started exercising.. and I can't say I've really felt any effects yet, but the rest of my family swear by it.. and my cousin who is now a doctor said that when he started exercising regularly he just felt so much better, both mentally and physically.. was able to study less and get the same results. But if you already do all of this then I don't think there'd be a magic answer :/
If you are under stress most of the time, eat a lot of junk-food and hardly any fruits and vegetables, probably also drink too less water, then your immune system might be a bit damaged.

So I suggest you to eat at least one fruit and a salad per day and try too drink more water than usual.

Smoking and alcohol intake also damages the immune system.

I'm a vegan and I'm very healthy...but I'm probably the wrong one to give you nutrition reccomendations since I doubt that you're gonna change to a vegan.

But in general more vegetables and fruits, unsaturated fats (the herbal ones) are you should try to eat more of that.

As for mental health: it correlates with your physical health, so it's a good idea to fix your physical health problems and that might already decrease your mental health issues.

If you want to be able to memorise things better, I suggest you to use mnemo-tecniques. Eating better and drinking more water will help you with your concentration issues as well. Especially try to minimize your intake of sugar (the sugar in the fruits is ok, but the one you find in candies and convenience foods is not).
sorry to hear you feel sick dude. Check your Iron intake, iron shortage can make you feel tired and low. Hope it helps. I had it when I was in school long time ago and I had headaches every day and felt tired and low. Popped some pills and gone it went. Hope it helps.
Hey Dan,

Sorry to hear you're under the weather.

I've more or less managed to turn around being sick so often. I used to have fevers all the time. A simple cough would just turn into something really debilitating and shit.

The very best thing I've managed to do to avoid this was reducing my interaction with the general public. Once I stopped using public transport or going to classes with 30+ people in them my health just sustained itself a lot easier. My sleeping habits and diet have been all over the place these last two years, and I haven't been sick since I got back from Germany. That's the best piece of advice I can give. You can't get sick unless you're around places or people that have contagions on them.

As far as diet goes, I would just recommend the general smart thing. Make your meals simple and regular. Always have either a light salad or steamed vegetables next to your meals. Try to eat lean protein like sirloin steaks, chicken breast or canned tuna. Salmon once a week is good for you too. In your case maybe supplement it with a daily multi-vitamin to boot.

Exercise regularly.

The 2nd question... I'll tell you if I ever find out.

Good luck man.
Thanks for the advice lads!
I think I might have to take up the flu shot this winter. At least with my regular sickness I will be able to tell if it does what it's suppose to, right?

I will have to try the more fruit and veg + exercise route too.
Ola brings up a good point about the Iron, when I was younger I was told that my iron intake was low. Given my diet change since then and that I now have multi vitamins each day I hope that's not the issue.
Hey there. Not sure if I have too much more to add, but make sure you get plenty of sleep each night - this will help both your physical health and mental health (including memory). Drinking plenty of water has been mentioned, and it's an important one. If you're sick then maybe water should be the only thing you drink. I have found that my health and energy during the day has improved since I completely stopped drinking sugary drinks (ie, coke and all fizzy drinks). They just give you a small energy high and leave you with all this sugar in your body, or something like that (I've heard people refer to fizzy drinks as 'empty calories' or something). So look at what fluids you take in. Well, you know what's good for you and what isn't. I suppose the point is that you're mind can feel better when your body feels better.

As for your goals, just try to stay positive about them. I know that's not really saying much, but your attitude does go a long way!
if you want better memory, the best advice i can give is dont smoke weed regularly.
Other than what's being suggested, there is the possibility that you have mildew/mold/fungus growing somewhere in your house.
There was some talk "in the public" (media) about it a few years back here, when some kids in kindergartens got sick regularly and they found out that the whole buildings were contaminated.

When I was in AE school, I lived in a "hostel" (provided by the school) and I was sick at least 6 times during the semester.
One of the rooms was even sealed off and treated while we were there. It was never confirmed in my case, but I'm suspecting that the rooms were less than ideal... :erk:
I don't usually believe much in homeopathy, but I was getting sick 4-6 times a year for a period of 3 years till I went to a recommended one who told me not to eat certain things like wheat and all kind of fungus (from walls one till roquefort cheese). It was hard coz almost everything has got it but now I can tell you I'm not ill for about 2 years and a half. A few days ago, I heard on the radio that 1 out of 100 are like me but they don't even know coz it's not like an allergy that you become sick in the very moment.

Talking about interaction with others and weed, that mix is probably worst than taking the bus and kissing all the girls on it.
I've got the answer to both, because I've been there before dude. To an extent I'm still going through it, but I've improved considerably in the last 18 months.
I'd be totally down with hanging out in person and talking through this shit with you if you want (as well as just general shit talk) and remember I only live one suburb across basically. I've met up with forum members from other forums before, always been a great time.
Up to you man
I've got the answer to both, because I've been there before dude. To an extent I'm still going through it, but I've improved considerably in the last 18 months.
I'd be totally down with hanging out in person and talking through this shit with you if you want (as well as just general shit talk) and remember I only live one suburb across basically. I've met up with forum members from other forums before, always been a great time.
Up to you man

Hell yeah dude! I'll follow this up when I get home, or tomorrow lol. Just a bit flat out at the moment!
G'day all

I was hoping that I could find some wisdom within this forum once again to be able to help me with afew things that I'd like to improve in my life.
I don't think any of it is too deep so hopefully there is some good advice to be given.

1. Something that is really bugging me is that over the last year I have been getting sick on average once every two months. It's beyond a joke. I'm currently sitting here in 30+ degree weather feeling like I've been hit by a bus. It's summer and I have the flu. Seriously, this has to stop.

I try to eat decently, though admit that my fruit and veg intake could be better. Has anyone turned this around for themselves and be able to share some tips?

2. I feel that for some of the goals I have set myself this year (and beyond) I would like to improve my mental strength, things like being able to deal with stress better, memory, focus and ultimately, self confidence.
Does anyone have any experience in such things?
It will be used to better myself at work and for musical endeavors coming my way.

As always, any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

you can try taking echinacea. its a natural product (often a concentrated oil) that you take with water and it boosts you immune system. other then that eat oranges. vitamin c
good boy haha

but seriously, as much as i do enjoy durgz, i cannot remember ANYTHING anymore. I'll have huge, memorable conversations and forget they ever happened. staying clean is the way to go if you want as much clarity of thought as humanly possible.
You talked about stress, probably is the origin of all.
Ill mind, ill body. Your natural defenses may be weak.
I'm in your same situation and trying to repair my fucking mind before I fall down into a depression.

I passed my worst year of my life (2009) even though I got married and have some good things, but overall it was a hell due to family health matters, job, ... I started with little panic attacks and anxiety, fasciculations, muscle pain, flus, heart arritmias, head aches extremeely tired... and many other symptoms and diseases.... and that made me worry, and worries made me feel worse and worse. It is like a spiral. I'm always thinking I got cancer, or other terminal diseases... I visited doctors and all agreed that my problem is in my mind.

I'm in quest for the cure, probably anxiety/depression pills to erase all the anxiety summed during the year into my body. And I will start doing sport, always helps.
If you have any question, PM me.
Thanks guys.
Jevil your point about stress actually reminds me that I should probably also work on a regime to let myself wind down after a long day. I tend to dwell on things alot which is probably doing a crap load of damage to my mental health.

When I was younger it was literally "metalz makes it all better", but now days, with more mature things to worry about it's not always that easy.

If only to go back to the days when a root or jack would make the sun shine out of your ass for a week!