Some personal help please

Thanks guys.
Jevil your point about stress actually reminds me that I should probably also work on a regime to let myself wind down after a long day. I tend to dwell on things alot which is probably doing a crap load of damage to my mental health.

When I was younger it was literally "metalz makes it all better", but now days, with more mature things to worry about it's not always that easy.

If only to go back to the days when a root or jack would make the sun shine out of your ass for a week!

You're right dude.
Ultimately man, if you're gonna improve your mental health you need to fight the root of the problem. You can ignore it with all the sex, booze and drugs you want like I've spent the past 6 months doing or you can think about what's really causing the stress and try and solve it by combatting the causes, which is the far more difficult route but it's really the only route.
I also get sick pretty often, so I feel for you man. For me I think it's a combination of various shitty things, and I'm going to try to fix them this year.
Ultimately man, if you're gonna improve your mental health you need to fight the root of the problem. You can ignore it with all the sex, booze and drugs you want like I've spent the past 6 months doing or you can think about what's really causing the stress and try and solve it by combatting the causes, which is the far more difficult route but it's really the only route.

I honestly HOPE that such a thing will happen when my house is built and I move out of home, away from these people I once thought I knew.
11 months and counting.....

I also get sick pretty often, so I feel for you man. For me I think it's a combination of various shitty things, and I'm going to try to fix them this year.

Would you be comfortable expanding on those things? Don't have to be specific, just "stress, personal life, etc" would suffice if it's too personal.
Would you be comfortable expanding on those things? Don't have to be specific, just "stress, personal life, etc" would suffice if it's too personal.

Nah it's not too personal, just nothing to add to what was already established in this thread. I believe my reasons are lack of vitamines, lack of exercise, and I often don't bother keeping my home nicely clean and tidy. I've also contracted a nasty HDM allergy at some point, which basically makes me have flu-like symptoms 24/7 (no fever though). I'm not sure how my nose is running ALL the time, but I guess HDM requires keeping places cleaner than usual which I am NOT good at :lol: . And I don't really feel like taking medication for it. I think I'm going to find a solution of some sort for that problem this year as well.

Smoking relieves stress enough for me, but I don't recommend picking that habit up.
2. I feel that for some of the goals I have set myself this year (and beyond) I would like to improve my mental strength, things like being able to deal with stress better, memory, focus and ultimately, self confidence.
Does anyone have any experience in such things?
It will be used to better myself at work and for musical endeavors coming my way.

The way I've found to deal with stress and self confidence issues is through self acceptance. Paradoxically when you accept your issues they lose power since they gain their power from your concern with them.

For instance, self confidence issues are often based upon thoughts of things like failure to do/be/get something. As soon as you start to accept yourself (Including any confidence issues) they start to go away. Why? because they're no longer as important.

With stress, it's something everybody has to live with. Which is fine. Stress often isn't the root issue, your reaction to it defines how bad it is. So again, when your stressed just pay attention to it, don't wish it away, don't ignore it, do your best to not try and get rid of it. Stress like every other reaction is maintained by a persons resistance to it. So in a very sounds-easy-but isnt way, don't stress about your stress.

Just watch it and it'll come and go when it's ready (which is generally pretty quick). If you can really let stress be what it is and accept yourself a little more, your memory and focus will pick up as a byproduct (at least in my experience)

If this works for you look into doing some zazen. :)
Just reading your post i thought:

Eat healthy and exercise.

You will be blown away how your body feels once you have a decent eating schedule and once you are able to run 10 miles without your heart jumping out of your chest.
Just reading your post i thought:

Eat healthy and exercise.

You will be blown away how your body feels once you have a decent eating schedule and once you are able to run 10 miles without your heart jumping out of your chest.

+ lots

those two things make a huge difference. Also, as far as mental wellbeing goes, do the exercise outside as much as possible
Dunno if this will help you , but I am a fucking fitness fanatic and I NEVER get sick. Like Once every 3-4 years I'll have a 1 day cold when the weather changes. I go pretty crazy if I don't work out for about an hour every day at least. (Not necessarily all at one time) I have always watched my calorie count and made sure I drink some vitamin shakes and V8 , because I fucking hate vegetables. Working out is the ONLY thing that stops me from putting people through the wall every day haha. Keep with the pushups thing , and maybe get a resistance cord you can use anywhere. I have like 5 different ones with different levels. If you know you won't be able to work out one day , try to watch what you eat. I always noticed if I eat shitty fast food or something and I can't work out at all that day , my stress levels go through the roof because I feel like a fat piece of shit all day. Working out regularly also will keep your cortisol levels low and your dopamine levels in your brain high , so you will stay stress free and happy, which usually helps to equal illness-free. Obviously working out will also boost your confidence. Hope that helps
The best advice i can give you is first go to the doctor. the stress cause a low performance of your immunologic system so as everybody here says. Change your way of life. for those flu viruses just take high doses of C vitamin. but first go to the doc!.
Hope you have a better year Cheers
Well dan, im not jesus but i can help you with a better memory. It will take a lot of hard work though. I've uploaded it for you.

Its written by a chap called dominic o'brien who can cheat casinos at will. One of his greatest feats was memorising the sequence of 54 packs of shuffled cards. It's all about learning to use your mind in ways you would never have thought possible. I've tried some techniques in here, and it is pretty mad what an evenings work can do.
I need to work out more, but I've been trying to get more vitamin C and drinking more water; and it has helped a bit. I do think our house has some fungus thing though, because I have really bad sneezing habits and runny noses all the fucking time!!

But me and my girlfriend move out on the 20th, so hopefully a new house will be the change I need to get healthy.

I also walk quite a bit; which definitely helps physically and mentally.
I need to work out more, but I've been trying to get more vitamin C and drinking more water; and it has helped a bit. I do think our house has some fungus thing though, because I have really bad sneezing habits and runny noses all the fucking time!!

But me and my girlfriend move out on the 20th, so hopefully a new house will be the change I need to get healthy.

I also walk quite a bit; which definitely helps physically and mentally.

How long walks to you usually take?

Another possibility for your problems is this;

See if you have any of the symptoms. I have all of them, and tests have shown I really am allergic to those things. I've been keeping places cleaner now, but I don't think it helps.. As I said before, it really fucking sucks to be sick 24/7.

Also, what really bothers me is I know for a fact those fucking insects are around, making me sick. But they just can't be seen. And it's their fucking shit that's allergenic.
Well dan, im not jesus but i can help you with a better memory. It will take a lot of hard work though. I've uploaded it for you.

Its written by a chap called dominic o'brien who can cheat casinos at will. One of his greatest feats was memorising the sequence of 54 packs of shuffled cards. It's all about learning to use your mind in ways you would never have thought possible. I've tried some techniques in here, and it is pretty mad what an evenings work can do.

Thanks Kev. Will try to give it a read this week end.

Rippa mate!