Some pickup advice.


Jun 7, 2002
Hey everyone, was wondering about getting a new pickup for my Ibanez RG270.

She's normally not very blazing but lately I seemed to have found the right place for her to hang, and I got a spare 70$(I know, im broke)
for whatever.

I was looking at some seymour duncan pickups and I need some good advice for something more shred than versatile.:Smokin:

Thanks yuhz.

get a new guitar first.. it's a waste of money to put a new pickup in a not so good guitar.. if you really want to improve your sound get a better guitar first.. just my opinion...
Barr WildChild said:
get a new guitar first.. it's a waste of money to put a new pickup in a not so good guitar.. if you really want to improve your sound get a better guitar first.. just my opinion...

Yeah I am sure he could pick up a "great" guitar for the $70 he has to spare... But sure save, save ,save and get a better axe!

No don't listen to them, well listen to some.. Whatever, go for the distorted Duncans, unless your playing live. In which case you should change your genre since you only have $70 to spare! :lol:
meh EMGs dont have enough personality to me, they seem like distortion by numbers pickups, im a fan of dimarzios myself but duncans can be pretty cool.

Get an evolution/air norton setup for full shreddage

the duncan dist/full shred combo was also a good idea.

But i would also stress a better guitar would help too