Strat pickup configuration

Evil Ernie

Ungodly freak, defiler
Feb 5, 2004
Montreal, Canada
Hi there,

I wanted to upgrade my ol' Fender Strat Mexico cause it's all rusty and sounds very weak for heavy ass guts spilling metal, ya know.

So I though about what the hell I could buy to have high output and decent control on my sound, and I came up with these (all Seymour Duncan single coils btw) :

Bridge : Hot Rails :hotjump:
Middle : JB Jr
Neck : don't know yet, some good clean pickup anyone? Vintage Flat maybe?

Any advice?
Can you work on your guitar yourself? If you have the knowledge (not much required) and the tools, you could hotrod it for cheap. Install some humbuckers, maybe a different trem, a nice scallop if you're into that, etc.

I'm not a guitar builder at all actually. I wouldn't dare to try. I think I'll stick to the single coils, I also have a Jackson Kelly and I plan to put some wicked humbuckers in there.

Thanks for the advice dude.
It's easy work, really, but I understand if you don't feel like doing it.

By the way, unscrew your pickguard and check if the guitar is actually routed for 3 singles or if it has the swimming pool kind of routing. If it does, you could just buy a new pickguard a throw a couple of buckers in there.

A nice single coil for the neck position could be a DiMarzio HS-3 or YJM, if you're into passives. The Hot Rails is pretty cool, I have one in a Fender re-issue, but in the bridge position.
Iced In Flames said:
You'll never get "gut spilling metal tone" from a Strat my friend.
Need humbuckers.

As for the neck, I like the sound of a Hot Rails in the neck honestly.

You'd be surprised. I'll show you. :devil:

And about Hot Rails in neck position... isn't it too much output for clean playing?
Not really. Well, it depends on your amp. If you use a single channel amp and use the volume pot to clean up, then it will probably be too much. But if you have a dedicated clean channel you could dial it for a bit less gain.