Search for the most 80's guitar EVER!!!!

speaking of autioning guitars for charity, did you hear about that fender a bunch of players signed and was autioned for 2.2 million?

Shouldn't have been a fender though, should have been a V or sumthing more 80s.
One was auctioned off for the Make A Noise Foundation, and 1 hangs in a Hard Rock Cafe in L.A. I think I remember Steve saying he actually hated the heart guitar because only 2 necks were actually playable and that it was like 50lbs...
One was auctioned off for the Make A Noise Foundation, and 1 hangs in a Hard Rock Cafe in L.A. I think I remember Steve saying he actually hated the heart guitar because only 2 necks were actually playable and that it was like 50lbs...
Haha, perhaps coz one of those necks is left handed, just like you RobbM :rock: or are you a 'lefty' in the political sense?
RobbM said:
One was auctioned off for the Make A Noise Foundation, and 1 hangs in a Hard Rock Cafe in L.A. I think I remember Steve saying he actually hated the heart guitar because only 2 necks were actually playable and that it was like 50lbs...

:lol: , whenever i see pictures of him playing it he looks like he is having fun...

speaking of heavy guitars have you ever played one of joe satarani's crystal planets?? holy shit that thing is like 80 pounds...
Julz said:
Haha, perhaps coz one of those necks is left handed, just like you RobbM :rock: or are you a 'lefty' in the political sense?

I mean playable to him, the best he could do with it im sure is tune it to an open tuning and strum it. Yes im a lefty....

I had one of those music-yo barrettas and it was the worst guitar I had ever played, I think I traded it in like 2 weeks after getting it, the neck was thinker than a baseball bat and painted on the back, yuk!!
damn, those Kramers are cheap! and from the pictures and list of specifications, they dont seem to be too bad either...the headstock looks like shit though...
Damn dude, you must have gotten a bad model cause this thing plays awesomely. And the neck is thin-tapered. Also, I like it painted on the back. It's a Baretta SX404FX... not on the site right now, though.
mines not on the site now either, dont remember the exact model name, but it was a lefty in red with the reverse headstock and neck thru heal. It wasnt that bad for the money, I just couldn't stand the neck at all, im just spoiled by Ibanez Wizard necks.
Maybe the Wizard is better... I've never seen one of those. But based on the guitars I've played, the Kramer neck kicks ass. And anyway, neckthrough for 300 dollars is forkin' awesome!
NoSoup4you said:
Maybe the Wizard is better... I've never seen one of those. But based on the guitars I've played, the Kramer neck kicks ass. And anyway, neckthrough for 300 dollars is forkin' awesome!

the neck-thru was the only thing it had going for it...

this is why kramer necks suck...

oh, and all Ibanez 24 fret necks are usually wizard, or wizard II (the diff between the 2 is only a few MM)

Both of you post videos of you shredding on a wizard--RIGHT NOW! :goggly:

Also, I was just looking at my neck, and honestly if it was much thinner I think it would snap off pretty easily. Are you sure that's the Baretta neck and not the crappy Focuses or something?