I've had this song on my computer for about 6 months now and done nothing with it, so I did a little work on it this week and here's what I've got.
Drums were tracked in a nightclub that we rehearse in. It's a big place, used to be a cinema once. Used 57's on the toms and snare, a D112 on the kick, C1000's for overheards and a Studio Projects B1 on the hats. It was the first time I also manually quantized the drums and I made a bit of an arse of the cymbals but having them in rhythmic mode instead of polyphonic when I was stretching... d'oh. The samples are all Slate. The kick and the snare are quite robotic but I think the toms at the start sound pretty good, maybe a touch loud though? All the verb on the drums comes from the Z5 room mics. The original drum set is a Premier Artist Maple. Cymbals are Nu Beat hats, 19" Avedis Crash, 22" Ping Ride and a 21" Sweet Ride used as a Crash.
The Bass, not very well played, was a USA Precision into my POD XT on the Mesa 400 setting with an Ampeg 8x10 cab. I used the Bass Overdrive as well. My bass player needs to practise more.
The rhythm guitars were all tracked into the POD XT on the Triple Rec setting. The leads were also quite likely the same. The guitar solo was done with the Diezel VH4 setting and a shitload of modulation/delay. I found the patch on the Line 6 page one day and liked it... sounds like an 80's guitar sound on its own. The cleans are horrible. I used my Gibson Les Paul and my Orville Les Paul, both loaded with 500T humbuckers.
All mixed in Pro Tools 8.
No vocals yet. Just thought I'd throw this up to see what you thought. Any input is good
Cheers for looking/listening/commenting
https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3526809/ONE MAN.mp3
Drums were tracked in a nightclub that we rehearse in. It's a big place, used to be a cinema once. Used 57's on the toms and snare, a D112 on the kick, C1000's for overheards and a Studio Projects B1 on the hats. It was the first time I also manually quantized the drums and I made a bit of an arse of the cymbals but having them in rhythmic mode instead of polyphonic when I was stretching... d'oh. The samples are all Slate. The kick and the snare are quite robotic but I think the toms at the start sound pretty good, maybe a touch loud though? All the verb on the drums comes from the Z5 room mics. The original drum set is a Premier Artist Maple. Cymbals are Nu Beat hats, 19" Avedis Crash, 22" Ping Ride and a 21" Sweet Ride used as a Crash.
The Bass, not very well played, was a USA Precision into my POD XT on the Mesa 400 setting with an Ampeg 8x10 cab. I used the Bass Overdrive as well. My bass player needs to practise more.
The rhythm guitars were all tracked into the POD XT on the Triple Rec setting. The leads were also quite likely the same. The guitar solo was done with the Diezel VH4 setting and a shitload of modulation/delay. I found the patch on the Line 6 page one day and liked it... sounds like an 80's guitar sound on its own. The cleans are horrible. I used my Gibson Les Paul and my Orville Les Paul, both loaded with 500T humbuckers.
All mixed in Pro Tools 8.
No vocals yet. Just thought I'd throw this up to see what you thought. Any input is good

Cheers for looking/listening/commenting

https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3526809/ONE MAN.mp3