Some special guitar sound ideas


Jun 29, 2007
Hannover - Germany

when I'm working on a new record with some high-gain gits I always like to do something untypical to get a special sound.
I know there's a lot to discuss on favourite mics, positions, cabs, amps, pickups, cables etc. But what I'd like to try in this thread is to start a collection of unusual tricks ('cause if you just know a handfull of them - they'll soon become usual).

To start it up:

1) Try recording an extra mic (preferable a condenser or ribbon with figure-of-eight) outside of the room - with closed doors! Use this as a kind of delay (make sure it's delayed long enough to avoid phase-problems).

2) Record a clean DI-signal and a ultra-high-gain-amp. Now send the amped signal into a SPL Transient Designer and use the clean signal on the sidechain to bring back some attacks.

3) Split your git-signal, send one signal into an Exciter (100% wet) - lowpass the output and mix with the git-signal before going into the amp.

4) Double the electric gits with an acoustic (I know this is done quite often...), a distorted bass-git, mandoline, cello, piano, marimba - anything you'd like. If you do it on melodies: check out melodyne's midi-export, randomize a bit, maybe pitch one or two octaves down and use a simple synth with no attack to blend with the guitar.

Hope you'll bring up some weird ideas...
mic in another room is a good un. my suggestions..
mic on the floor.
mic hanging from the ceiling,
blending with ribbon (royer 121 preferably )
micing the back of the cabinet
playback the guitar tracks into an acoustic with an open tuning in key... gives it a cool roomy resonance that's in key...
Edit - Is there a Transient Designer type pluggin with a sidechain? Thanks.

Sadly, I don't think so. I know about the Dominion by Digitalfishphones, the Am-Pulse from Samplitude (an updated Dominion), the Trans-X by Waves, the Trans Mod by Sonnox (Sony Oxford) and two more (not that good) Freeware-Plugs. Neither of them has a sidechain :erk:
There is a emulated SPL Transient Designer for the Creamware Pulsar, but I don't know about that one.

You may try with the freeware Sidekick, but it's not exactly an Transient Designer and I never used it this way.

PS: I shall be trying to post some comparisons for my git-sound-ideas. But it will take me some time. And thanks for the body-resonance idea, can't wait till I try...
Sadly, I don't think so. I know about the Dominion by Digitalfishphones, the Am-Pulse from Samplitude (an updated Dominion), the Trans-X by Waves, the Trans Mod by Sonnox (Sony Oxford) and two more (not that good) Freeware-Plugs. Neither of them has a sidechain :erk:
There is a emulated SPL Transient Designer for the Creamware Pulsar, but I don't know about that one.

Cool, thanks.

I tried the Digirack III Expander plug (has sidechain), and it kinda got in the neighborhood, but it was rough sounding. Ill try again later and mess with the attack/release times more. Its a cool idea though.
I heard once that a dude put a microphone up his own arse to get a more solid sound when recording guitars. It seemed to take out alot of the fizz, bump and grind that he was getting before shoving it.

HHHAHA!!! Oh the creativity. That's just plain cheeky.
There are a few Morbid Angel lead tracks with a fan between the cabinet and the mic.
Sadly, I don't think so. I know about the Dominion by Digitalfishphones, the Am-Pulse from Samplitude (an updated Dominion), the Trans-X by Waves, the Trans Mod by Sonnox (Sony Oxford) and two more (not that good) Freeware-Plugs. Neither of them has a sidechain :erk:
There is a emulated SPL Transient Designer for the Creamware Pulsar, but I don't know about that one.

You may try with the freeware Sidekick, but it's not exactly an Transient Designer and I never used it this way.

PS: I shall be trying to post some comparisons for my git-sound-ideas. But it will take me some time. And thanks for the body-resonance idea, can't wait till I try...

i know its not guitar related, but has anyone tried to do vocals in a toilet/bathroom? nice verb :)

That's an old, old trick. Been around since the 1950s.

I have an oddly shaped polygon of a bathroom that I've been tempted to track my vocals in before, but I'm afraid it would be a proximity effect nightmare. There's just a ton of low end in that room, and I sing bass. (Though you'd never guess from my speaking voice. I can hit a useable low C. I've been trying to go lower to do clean vox for doom stuff, but it's all technique at that point, and really difficult to open up your chest enough to hit those notes. And forget trying to get any kind of real volume out of that.) I might just wind up with a boomy, muddy mess of a vocal.
playback the guitar tracks into an acoustic with an open tuning in key... gives it a cool roomy resonance that's in key...

I read about doing something sort of similar with an the electric near a speaker that's blasting the guitar track. Record the pickup's input direct. I'm not sayin it works, I'm just sayin that's what I heard.
sounds cool. but how do you play it back into an acoustic?

2 ways- you can set this up while you're tracking. Just set an acoustic with a pickup near the amp. It picks up the vibrations. You can also do this while mixing, just crank you monitors and set the guitar close.

Haven't tried this myself, but I've heard some wicked shit done with it.