Some streaming concert action for tonight...

ima go stream that shit in person. so is that the lineup? cause if so we could take more bongrips and maybe miss some of ludicra, cause i seen em at least once, but never the feg!
Orchid was ok...

Slough Feg or Ludicra up next (still not sure which!(Edit: It's the feg, balls))... everyone should watch and grow a pair.
what the fuck? whatever I'm hearing right now is absolutely horrid, some chick screaming like YYEARRRGHHH RIPPING SKINNNN. man this is fucking awful. I really want to play the Dna lounge some day though, it's a really cool place from what I've seen; I just don't like it because I got kicked out once for being wasted and yelling at the lame goth dj's to play depeche mode and making fun of them haha. Still I'm glad I didn't go to this show, this band is so horrible I probably would've left by now.
It's ludicra... hahah.

Her vocals are WAAAAAAAAY too high in the mix. Not sure what the fuck they're thinking. Definitely not a good vocalist for a high mix.

Edit: not so bad if you cut the highs in the EQ... but holy shit. Horrible mix for ludicra is horrible. Hope its better than this when I see them next month.
isn't the bassist in ludicra also in impaled? this is so horrible I'd probably be in the front row screaming play some impaled this is awful

Music is fine, it's the vocalist that sucks with the mix high. Ludicra rocks.

But yeah, it's Ross Sewage on bass.
got there like 30 seconds before slough feg started, awesome. they had good sound, and aside from the first song were really tight on all the harmonized shreddin. ludicra had pretty shit sound tonight, main chick's voice was off, ive definitely seen a better set from them. Pentagram apparently had the guitarist bail right before the tour, so with the fill in guy they only played 5 or 6 (not sure if first song was a cover?) originals and one long blues jam in the middle that sent about 1/3 of the audience out the door haha. bobby wasnt quite as weird and hopped up looking this time, but his voice sounded way better, and you could actually understand what he was saying between songs.

lot of attractive females there tonight, seemed way more than usual........ludicra fans?

one sucky thing was after feg we went out to the car to have a seat and smoke a bowl, and after a few hits a goddamn cab flips a u-turn and runs into an SUV in the street like 10 feet behind where i was parked, blowin up the spot! fucker! oh well, we came back after ludicra and made up for it.