Some thoughts on politics . . .

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
It’s a fact that ethanol fuel could replace the US's dependence on foreign oil. Ethanol fuel is made from corn and milo. There are many plants for this in the Midwest (because that's where all the corn and milo is), but the East and West coasts don't have much of it. Ethanol is getting VERY little help from the government. Pretty much all the ethanol plants have been paid for by private investors. The government does chip in with tax incentives and so on, but it would look pretty bad if they didn't help at all. Meanwhile our government uses grains like wheat, corn, and so on as a weapon. Selling the grain only to the countries that they choose. Farmers CAN NOT decide where their grain is sold. Thus, the government had to create a Farm Bill so pretty much every farm could survive. Unfortunately most small farms are dying. My farm would be considered medium to medium-large, I guess. Anyway, my point is that the US has the ability to NEVER have to depend on foreign oil, but our government refuses to just dive into ethanol. To be fair Bush has actually done more for ethanol than previous presidents, but it obviously isn't enough. Hydrogen fuel can also be derived from corn and milo, and that is where the future is. But it would be nice to at least get rising fuel prices under control in the present by increases ethanol production. Plus, as a corn grower, I could make more money!:loco:

corn rocks :headbang:

we live out here with chromie's grandpa's farm all around us. the corn will start shooting up soon! and then...then i can watch the bats swoop down into at night for insects :kickass:
my boss is a pretty savvy stocks and bonds guy and he says, with the price of oil hovering around $50 a barrel, we're just about at the point where its economically viable for companies to develop technologies for extracting oil from shale, which America has shitloads of. I think it would logically follow that other technologies (clean coal, etc) would also begin to fall into the desireable areas for speculators. But yeah, otherwise, the oil companies, which Bush is a whore for, control the shits for now.
I thought ethanol and hydrogen were extremely inefficient? Of course you dump more funding into it and I'm sure that'll change.

What I don't get is that every type of oil that I put in my car today is 100% synthetic, except gasoline. Why?
If we put enough money into it, I'm pretty sure you can have flying cars running on trash. Plus we'll have skateboards that hover, except when above water.

In the meantime, I'll settle for this:

By the way, it looks like Bush's puppet is going to win the election (or at least that's what the first exit poll suggests). You can't exactly blame that on 'red state' vs 'blue state'. :erk:
a little unrelated as I was looking for stuff on the web ... but this is the coolest invetions and can turn many people into bike riders.

I have been surprised lately about how many people either never learned or are afraid to ride a bike.

Whatever happened to the Segway ... it was suppoosed to be some big shit. There are a handful of people I have seen in Manhattan scooting around on them, but they look like such pretentious vehicles.
the biggest shocker to me is how many people I personally know that do not know how to swim ... I mean a lot of them.

actually if I really think about it, when summer comes and I hit the beach, the beaches are packed, but people that dare into deep water are few.

i hear you Erik ... biking and swimming are part of growing up in Europe.
Uhhhhh, there are people that don't know how to bike and swim? That was like reading and writing growing up, it's just something you learned by around 8, like Erik said.

Oh man, that first time you finally get the bike to not kick your ass is like a childhood highlight, I remember exactly where I was and everything. :headbang:
lurch70 said:
i hear you Erik ... biking and swimming are part of growing up in Europe.

Yeah! I'm always surprised when I find out how many Americans can't ride a bike or swim. I guess in my town it is expected of everyone, but still!!!
Oh man, that first time you finally get the bike to not kick your ass is like a childhood highlight, I remember exactly where I was and everything.

right on ... i remember my dad was showing me one morning and I was falling all over the place. then he left for work and by the time he got back, i was a pedaling fool. even won some race when I was 5 years old :kickass:

swimming ... man we were either by the Black Sea or local pools in Romania practically every weekend. in the summer in NY, I try to go to the beach as much as I can ... guess it;s the Scorpio in me.

but yeah, just ask some of the people you know if they can swim or bike ... you'll be surprised.
I don't think I know of anyone my age that can't swim. We took lessons when we were wee lads in school.

I also remember riding my bike ALL OVER town constantly when I was younger. Now I'd have to ride my bike 7 miles to see anything since I've moved out yonder. If I didn't live out here in the country, I wouldn't drive. At all.

Growing up and living in a small town is the greatest thing ever. People are overrated, a lot.
I can't even remember when I learned to ride a bike (same goes for ice skates, watching stupid americans in movies on those silly go-round rinks is hilarious) but I do remember thinking I was better at swimming than I really was when I was a kid and would have drowned if I hadn't gotten hold of Bömber Böb's (who is two years older and thus could swim a whole lot better) shoulders and I didn't dare tell mom because she'd never let us go down to the "river" (dunno more fitting word for lögdeälven) alone again. These days I hardly ever ride a bike or walk sober because I'm a lazy fucker though.
I taught my five-year-old steph daughter to ride a bike yesterday! Some of fondest childhood memories is because of my bike, and no child should be without it.
my pals are awful swimmers. How is that, when they are a tropical people? I am an awesome swimmer, from being on swim team all through my childhood, and being a lifeguard for two straight summers. I can't tell you how many my pals I had to rescue from the deep water.

If you can't ride a bike, it's time to enroll in retard school.