Some thoughts on this mix

guitars sound very dull, i like the vocals.

Thanks man. Still working on brightening those guitars.

I also failed to mention the drums are EZDrummer, but I'm not using it much longer. I got it, then realized why not just get SSD? But for now, I'm familiarizing myself with midi drums. First timer here.
First thing noticed is the kick. It has zero attack dude :(
HP it around 50h and add a generous shelf starting in the 3K range.

And this is just personal taste but that vocal thing in the beginning, I'd put a nice beat delay on that for some flava.
Hi pass those guitars and scoop out some mids and I think the entire mix will open up.

Yeah I should try that. I already have the guitars HP around 200. Crazy. Haha, but it might just have too much mids as you stated.

First thing noticed is the kick. It has zero attack dude :(
HP it around 50h and add a generous shelf starting in the 3K range.

And this is just personal taste but that vocal thing in the beginning, I'd put a nice beat delay on that for some flava.

The "blat" ,I guess is what they call it, is what you're referring too? I should try it out. And I agree with the kick attack, I already have it shelved but not enough, I'll have to crank it some more.
Give that snare some love end! Also, the guitar editing seems really weird to me. I'm all for building riffs and slipping everything into place, but you have to make it at least some sort of human.
Give that snare some love end! Also, the guitar editing seems really weird to me. I'm all for building riffs and slipping everything into place, but you have to make it at least some sort of human.

If you're referring to the second mix I posted, then yeah, I record in parts, and I keep getting the chops up. I'm trying to fix that.
Bass sounds too "flappy".
Guitars could work if you used something else for the drums.
Get rid of that EZDrummer duder! (Then again, I'm almost positive 99% of musicians/aspiring engineers own that crap. I did too lol).
Guitar editing is off on some parts too. You can really tell where you slipped the tracks.
Bass sounds too "flappy".
Guitars could work if you used something else for the drums.
Get rid of that EZDrummer duder! (Then again, I'm almost positive 99% of musicians/aspiring engineers own that crap. I did too lol).
Guitar editing is off on some parts too. You can really tell where you slipped the tracks.

I like the clanky-iness of the bass on this. It was the sound I was looking for.

Drums are temporary. Getting used to the whole MIDI programming thing until I get Slate, but in all honesty, I don't think the drums sound so bad on the latest mix I posted. They have a nice natural sound to them. But I'm still going to Slate soon.

I record the guitars in parts, and sometimes I forget to continue the chord as if I were switching to another chord and I end up stopping the chord short, and it has the brief pause. I didn't slip edit any of the guitars, except for breakdowns to clean out some of the early/late chugs. All the guitar tracks are back to back on each measure. I'm working on smoothing them out.