some windsor tones (marshall+mesa)

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I still haven't tweaked the amp for long (just had like 30 mins with it so far), but I've recorded some quick tones for you (will be replaced with better/more representative ones soon).

here's a lower gain/rocky one:


ESP EMG85 no boost-->Windsor-->Marshall 75t-->sm57+m160-->API

(ts808 on the solo)

just a HP/LP at 60/12k, nothing else of course

sorry for the sloppy playing (out of time etc), I didn't have much time, so I just took the first improvised take and I forgot to switch the metronome on, so the timing got more and more off ;)

here a one that's more METAL

ESP EMG85-->808-->windsor-->Mesa Recto Cab-->1xsm57-->API no post EQ

Sounds pretty cool lasse, once that solo kicked in it really has that smooth marshally lead tone i like so much.