Some work in progress - how is this guitar tone?

I think Ed's goal to get those great tone, is really the low gain on the amp, I did a lot of tests lately and the less gain you use the less the fizz it'll show up.
Just be sure, as Ed said, to go past the point where the amp is thin.
Anyway Ed I'll just fat that kick, you know maybe it's just me, but I prefer a fatter kick.
Oh great production as always ;)
What'd you use for the clean guitar sounds and also are you using commercial drum samples for your blended tracks or are those samples you've conjured up yourself? Sounds really really really fucking good man... The stuff that you churn out of that untreated room mixing on home stereo speakers is hard to believe sometimes! :lol: Cheers bro!
Clean guitars are all gearbox plugin, I use this most of the time out of convenience, and I suppose you know what the 6505's clean channel is like!

Drums are a healthy amount of natural drums as I said, the other stuff is from my own personal stash and I think some from those sessions too!

and yeah I really need to get some decent monitors and room treatment! luckily enough my room is quite big so I don't have too many close reflection problems.

Shred - The mic is pretty much right in the center of the cone, its kind of hard to tell in some of the photo's. I wouldn't say I put the mic in the same place every time, it depends on the project. I'll move the mic around depending on the tone I'm after (i.e. if I need more treble Ill move the mic more to the center). The idea of relying on EQ to achieve my guitar sound doesn't make sense to me - I'll HP and LP and maybe make REALLY SMALL adjustments to get things sitting right.
Moving your mic closer to the center, dosent that give you insane fizz problems?

Haha im TRYING to get a good tone without any EQ, the last thing I want to do is rely on EQ to make the tone so to speak.
and yeah I really need to get some decent monitors and room treatment! luckily enough my room is quite big so I don't have too many close reflection problems.

The more I hear stuff from guys like you, Dave Otero and the dude who mixed the new Neuraxis, the more I start to wonder how important acoustic treatment even is... If you know your room and know your speakers, I don't think anything else is important. Might help you get to the final result faster, but guys like you are proving that there are more important things at play!
Shred: I don't find the fizz to be too much of a problem, as long as the amp has its settings complimenting the speaker you can make it work. Obviously you will want to LP anything above 10-11k, but don't be afraid to move that mic anywhere if it works.

Yep stock G12T75 speakers, the more I use them the more I love them. They have a different sound to V30's but are definitely usable. I had an Orange cab in here the other week, and I was actually a little disappointed with it, compared with these Marshalls, which I found surprising considering what you hear about them. That said I can see it working for other projects. Right now I have my friends Triple rectifier rig and its very tasty - think its staying in here for a while!

With the setup I use, I know for a fact its far from ideal but I really do know these speakers inside out, and are far from the worst things I have heard. I am planning on picking up some A7's though.....need a few more payments first though!

I think room acoustics are important, but I don't hear too many problems with this room. My room at university for example is quite a bit smaller and I can hear some pretty nasty reflections in there, untill I put my huge flag on the wall anyway. I have noticed my ears are really responsive to reflections and I notice them in all sorts of weird places. My friends think its so weird haha.
Machinated, can you give a little more info of what you did to the guitars in the mix? or were they really just EQ'd a bit and nothing else??

And what did you do in the mastering phase? limiter settings etc.?

Killer production btw :)
Machinated, can you give a little more info of what you did to the guitars in the mix? or were they really just EQ'd a bit and nothing else??

And what did you do in the mastering phase? limiter settings etc.?

Killer production btw :)

Guitars only had a bit of EQ and I normally stick a vintage warmer on there, to keep things more constant level wise. Its all about getting the mic in the right place and the settings on the amp right.

Nothing to crazy going on in mastering, settings are kind of dependant on the song at hand so they wouldn't be much use. Its basically EQ, multiband compressor, clipper and a limiter.
Quad tracked - very important part of my guitar tones I'd say!

Ahh actually that reminds me, when you quad track do you tend to keep all 4 guitars at the same level?

*& before anybody says it again....yes I know it depends on the style/mix/guitar/amp/cheese and onion pasty combination but comon!!!! :lol:*
Yeah usually all 4 guitar are the same volume and even recently have been panned 100%. Sometimes I do drop the level though, whatever sounds best really.

my opinion on red vs green channel......I think both are great - I used green for this because I wanted a slightly looser sound (for example with palm mutes). Both are great :)
I'm watching the session diaries. Did you have the amps in another room or something? The metronome is pretty loud, and the dudes are screaming sometimes lol
Doesn't get picked up in the mic?
How did you set up the vingate warmer btw? did you put it in both guitar tracks or make a group channel for them and used that? or something else? :)