Somebody wants epic choirs? Hear mine!!

By the sounds of it, you are using Symphonic Choirs + Wordbuilder + Mozart's Lacrimosa, right?
This might be completely irrelevant, but I need to ask - how do you RECORD whatever words you have coming from Word Builder? I have SC, and it's brilliant but I haven't figured out how to get anything they're saying down on my songs. It seems the words only work when I'm pressing the keys.

I've been looking for some sort of tutorials from the EW forums, but my problem isn't solved yet. I just thought it might help me if you'd tell me how YOU do it. :worship:

In case this question is a bit too stupid from a legit EWSC owner - I really do own it, I have the package sitting on my shelves, I bought it for 140 bucks from the NAMM deal they had recently... It's just that WB is very confusing to me.
This might be completely irrelevant, but I need to ask - how do you RECORD whatever words you have coming from Word Builder? I have SC, and it's brilliant but I haven't figured out how to get anything they're saying down on my songs. It seems the words only work when I'm pressing the keys.

I've been looking for some sort of tutorials from the EW forums, but my problem isn't solved yet. I just thought it might help me if you'd tell me how YOU do it. :worship:

In case this question is a bit too stupid from a legit EWSC owner - I really do own it, I have the package sitting on my shelves, I bought it for 140 bucks from the NAMM deal they had recently... It's just that WB is very confusing to me.

Here is a very good tutorial for this software. If I remember correctly, to get WordBuilder to work you need the following:

- A midi track
- An instance of EWQL-SC as the output of that track, with the corresponding midi channel
- An instance of WordBuilder as an input of that track, again with the proper channel
- you need to set the choir in WB to the same you have selected in SC

just make sure your routing is correct. I remember having a manual of this that explained all very well.
Here is a very good tutorial for this software. If I remember correctly, to get WordBuilder to work you need the following:

- A midi track
- An instance of EWQL-SC as the output of that track, with the corresponding midi channel
- An instance of WordBuilder as an input of that track, again with the proper channel
- you need to set the choir in WB to the same you have selected in SC

just make sure your routing is correct. I remember having a manual of this that explained all very well.

So it is possible to record what they're singing(as obviously should)? Just need to make sure because I don't understand the concept...

The routing thing works differently in Logic, but I'm going to re-check my routing, and I'm going to read that thread.

Hey, thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.
I've also worked with EW Symphonic Choirs in this song (in the intro and middle part).
While EWSC can sound really impressive compared to regular choir samples it still has its problems. Some syllables sound really abrupt and I had problems with the velocity. You've done a really good job with this piece but personally I can still hear at times these problems. It may be possible to improve them though if you look a little more carefully at the note transitions.
When I was programming my song I was almost driven mad with this. In the end the "artificial-ness" was evident in the choirs by themselves but because I had a lot of layers of choirs and other instruments it was not as evident in the full mix.
In your case the choir is more exposed making the slightest mistake stand out.
The technology IS a few years old by now though. Speech and singing synthesis still hasn't advanced to a level that sounds entirely convincing, but it sounds more convincing when there are a lot of voices playing at the same time (in a choir). It does have its flaws, but it's still cheaper than renting a real choir.

I can't wait for EW to update the PLAY engine... I seem to have problems with it every now and then and they promised a long time ago that they would integrate WB into PLAY. Word is this update will also include optional bonuses like the VotA addon, in which case the update will cost money. We'll see. :)