Somehow I missed the meet & greet...


Ed Payne


My wife and I absolutely loved the set. We can't wait for Blink. BTW, is it another HDCD? Our only disappointment was that we didn't cross paths. We kept looking for you guys in the band room, but I guess we should have checked the hallways a bit more. ;^) I used to do a lot of business in the bay area during the mid 90s, but I would always just miss your show by a day or two. Argh! If you guys get a tour together, please come back out east, specifically Tennessee. ;^)

Also, I thought I should let you know that my 5 year old son LOVES "Paint The Picture". We tried to call him during the song but it didn't work out. When he found out that we were going to see you, he was disappointed that he wasn't going. Maybe when he's a little older. :^) Thanks again for a wonderful show!

Ed Payne


Sorry we missed you as well. Chad Hutchinson annouced, before we went on, that we would be doing a meet and greet after our show in the Band merchandise room. Oddly enough we never made it in there. We were swarmed at the door and just took the table that was in the hall, in front of the Band room, and talked with people there. Maybe next time.

I am glad you liked the set as well as your son liking Paint the Picture; it is also one of my favs!

Thanks again for coming to the show,
