Someone called me a fag and told me to hang out here.

madcheese9377 said:
This gets funnier by the day. You goofy bastards! I dont really listen to most people but was curiouse as to what the band sounded like.
No way I can't die, I'm like Immoral or something.
maybe ill be the first or second one to not be a goofy bastard to you.

have you heard them yet? what album did you get? its good stuff, sometimes the melodies are cheesy, but its a good all around band. let us know.
I guess you just needed some attention which is why you came here to post this ridiculous thread. All you have to do is take a listen to their music..if you like it ..great!. If not, then no worries. :grin:
I've been curiouse for about three months and thought someone with good opinions on them would give good suggestions to their albums, and Mr. 'P 28' i wasn't really trying to offend anyone I'm just an idiot if you haven't noticed, which you have.
All I can say is sorry for any pissed offness I've caused any one. But I will be checking them out. Later-RJAIII-
madcheese9377 said:
I've been curiouse for about three months and thought someone with good opinions on them would give good suggestions to their albums, and Mr. 'P 28' i wasn't really trying to offend anyone I'm just an idiot if you haven't noticed, which you have.
All I can say is sorry for any pissed offness I've caused any one. But I will be checking them out. Later-RJAIII-
cool dood:rock:
madcheese9377 said:
Now I'm curious to what this CoB sound like. And why are people pretty much reffering to most of you as fags is beyond me. I would be pissed if I were you guys. but thats my opinion. Later-RJAIII-

:lol: fucking polarity! :lol:

Outstanding work! Well navigated!

*holds out a cold beer*

This could be the best MOST honest thread ever!!! :lol:

For those of you that want the full story here it is: