Someone familiar with Deleuze & Guattari?

:) A veritable bible, that tome! notable philosophical flaws in it, but it still remains an essential work — for me, at least :) surely you don’t want a summary of that entire book do you??? it contains many new ideas and phraseology, ideological concepts like the body without organs (bwo), and my personal favourite: nomadology.

basically, they reject notions of stable identities and treat them as a harmful illusion. they celebrate pure, rhizomatic difference in which we have no underlying essences: a free–floating network of layered relationships and webs of ‘social flows’. society circulates and produces desires, and these make up people’s identities: power relationships, as opposed to instincts or freudian development.

i don’t know — what exactly did you want again?
MetalTuup said:
At the moment I'm trying to read the chapter Rhizome from the book 'A Thousand Plateaus' by Deleuze & Guattari. To be honoust I lost track already after the first page... are there people here who are familiar with philosophy who could give a short explanation of what they mean?
most libraries will have books that "explain" philosophical books if this kind of book is what you're looking for