Someone help me -- SERIOUS THREAD

I have a dire predicament on my hands. I have just found out that two of my good friends are on cocaine. One has been doing it for 6 months (albeit on and off... but he's back into it) and another has gotten into it recently. However, the second one is doing a gram every other day. All of his money goes to the shit. He is even thinking about selling it. Neither of them knows yet that I know.

Now there are several options:

1) Talk to them about it with one of my other friends... where they will end up getting pissed off and say "I don't have a problem!" Do I threaten to tell their parents.

2) Tell their parents. Majorly deep shit for both of them. They hate me for life, but the problem gets some help.

3) Discontinue my association with them and let them fuck up their own lives.

4) ???

As you can see, I have no idea what to do. Should I be worried? What can I do to help? I don't know a whole hell of a lot about the drug, since I've never done it. Hopefully, someone here can help me out so I can determine what to do.
do 1 first. try to convince them that they are entering a world of pain that is hard to get out of.

if they just say meh, and blow you off, resort to 2.

If nothing happens, after that, resort of 3, or inform authorities.
Pretty much your only option is to sit him/them down and talk it out. If they blow you off, tell their parents.

Better they live and hate you, than die. (in time, they'll probably thank you)
1) No.
2) No.
3) No.
4) Tell them to knock that shit off.

I've never done coke but have had several friends that have. Shit's not good, but from what I've seen it's hardly heroin. I would be more worried about them selling it than doing it, unless it becomes a daily habit.
Well, in summary, I would go with (1), but make sure their habit is real. Lots of people do lots of drugs at college without turning into junkies. *cough*
JayKeeley said:
Well, in summary, I would go with (1), but make sure their habit is real. Lots of people do lots of drugs at college without turning into junkies. *cough*
But when does it come to a point when the line is crossed? Like I said, my secone friend buys a gram EVERY OTHER DAY and is either 1) constantly wanting more or 2) doing it and spending all of his money on it.
i had some friends that were big coke heads 10 years ago also, and they are still here.
don't get me wrong, I do not condone the shit, but they are off of it now and leading normal lives without any intervention.

talk to them first ...
I dabbled in coke while in college but poverty kept me safe...but also a (for me at the time) strange warning in the back of my mind that anything your brain wants that bad CANNOT be all good for you, despite the seriously good rush it provides.

I suppose the real warning would be if they go to crack which is completely cheaper. Keep in mind if that guy starts selling, he's moving from a guy who gets charged with possession to possession with intent to distribute, and he'd be holding more of a quantity, which bumps up the penalty.

If you have to drop a dime on them with the parents, that is seriously better than them getting busted. I don't know what the drug laws are in NC, but the republicans have implemented some seriously draconian penalties.

My own hands off approach would be to go with option three, but at the very least sit down with them and express your concern. If they blow you off or deny there's a problem, well, you've done what you can.
yeah, but chances are they'll say something like "I've got in under control" or "I'm just experimenting." Classic denial.

If they say that, I'd let the parents deal with it.
Fuck it. Population control.

In all seriousness, I watched a friend of mine totally deteriorate from coke. Bad drug....

That's why I only smoke weed.... gateway drug my ass...

Selling is stupid if for no other reason than the violence that comes with the territory..

Let 'em learn from their own mistakes, it's the only way..
Make the chat informal, talk about it in passing, see what the reaction is. Don't sit them down and have '1-on-1' time because it's condescending and gay. Talk about this shit over a beer, during a game etc.

I wouldn't tell their parents, and I certainly wouldn't call any authorities, but that's just me. If they tell you to fuck off, then you gotta walk away IMO.

By the way, can you be sure that the guy is buying AND using a gram a day?
You fuckers can't have beer on campus? Fuck me, my college had a pub in the student union!
**Make the chat informal, talk about it in passing, see what the reaction is. Don't sit them down and have '1-on-1' time because it's condescending and gay. Talk about this shit over a beer, during a game etc.**

I'm fully aware of this. Anything else would be EERRIIWIRDSS.

**I wouldn't tell their parents, and I certainly wouldn't call any authorities, but that's just me. If they tell you to fuck off, then you gotta walk away IMO.**

I agree for the most part.

**By the way, can you be sure that the guy is buying AND using a gram a day?**

JayKeeley said:
I wouldn't tell their parents, and I certainly wouldn't call any authorities, but that's just me. If they tell you to fuck off, then you gotta walk away IMO.
Yep. Bringing in any outside authority will just make things worse, not to mention make you look like a ratfink (yeah yeah yeahyeah yeah).
I feel you have an obligation to tell the parents (if the habit continues unchecked), but only if you care for these individuals. If the parents ignore you, walk away from it all.