Someone knows how to make a Lioness happy :)

Liverslapper said:
the only thing polish i had was a polish hot dog- and damn it was yummy!

Madtv said:
Our special today is a nice... big... polish sausage... guaranteed to fill you up all night... It comes with a side of two huge swedish meat balls... about this big... *hand gestures*

You aren't Polish.

What did you do with the Polish people!?

How many did you assassinate to get that?

Poor borscht eating bastards. :(
100 Mexican Jumping Llamas said:
You aren't Polish.

What did you do with the Polish people!?

How many did you assassinate to get that?

Poor borscht eating bastards. :(

I had to kill Derek and Tommy in an old fashioned krav-maga fight
then made them eat only the fat parts from a roasted duck dish,
then blew soap bubbles staright on their stretched open eyes,
and THEN.... only then, they agreed to *finally* grant my wish
and make me a shirt.
I've been begging for this shirt for the past 5 years, man.
And they only came up with the concept less than a year ago.
go figure.
us jews.
we get everything we want at the end, and the world always hates us for it.

*chugs more coffee*
Dead_Lioness said:
I had to kill Derek and Tommy in an old fashioned krav-maga fight
then made them eat only the fat parts from a roasted duck dish,
then blew soap bubbles staright on their stretched open eyes,
and THEN.... only then, they agreed to *finally* grant my wish
and make me a shirt.
I've been begging for this shirt for the past 5 years, man.
And they only came up with the concept less than a year ago.
go figure.
us jews.
we get everything we want at the end, and the world always hates us for it.

*chugs more coffee*

Being a Jew Rocks !!!!

Fridays and saturdays off work every week :) Its totaly kicks ass !!

Da Fukn Jewru
xSUIxTOMMYx said:
I love you Karen, you`re so nice and pleasant for us :headbang:
As for your last sentence, I just simply laughed my balls off :lol:

heheheheh ;)
Tommy, you guys simply rule and you all know that! :kickass:
love you back!!!

Guru: fridays and saturdays off? eh, in which land? Judenland?
unless you work for a jewish religious company- I have no idea what you're talking about ;)
we do however get 3 weeks holiday off a year in addition to the work place
vacation- which kicks ass.

and plus... we don't try to manipulate everybody to convert to us too ;)
Holocaust or no, we rised from the ashes. literally. and showed
the world yet again, who holds the funds and who controls the media,
who controls the senat, and who writes liberal sidcoms on American TV, about black people! *dramatic drum roll*

[/Southern Baptist]
^ Oh for that, you need to live in Israel or donate many many $$$
for schools and public parks in the holt land.

btw, did you know that most people in Israel eat bacon?
that abortions are legal and abortion clinics are on the yellow pages,
that in clubs in TLV you get free alcohol all night?
and that weed is *this* close to become legal there?
(everyone smokes it on the beace near cops.. its great)

I can't wait to go there soon!!!!:headbang:

Lunar, more secrets about the chosen people I can interest you with? ;)
Yes, why the hell did your ancestors follow Moses through a desert for 40 years? Seems like after the first 5 years or so it would have looked like the whole Moses being a prophet idea was sort of a swing-and-a-miss.

Also, how much more racism do I have to spout before being guaranteed a seat in one of the inner circles of hell?
Lunar Still said:
Yes, why the hell did your ancestors follow Moses through a desert for 40 years? Seems like after the first 5 years or so it would have looked like the whole Moses being a prophet idea was sort of a swing-and-a-miss.

How come your people still follow the church blindly, thinking
that if they'll make people convert, then their place in heaven is promised?
I mean, you'd think that after 10 years or so they'll pretty much understand that the whole son-of-hod idea was a sort os a swing-and-a-miss.
Lunar Still said:
It's alright, I guess I'll let it slide, you know, what with the whole holocaust thing and all.

It's truly the real life equivalent of a "Get out of jail free card".
Dead_Lioness said:
How come your people still follow the church blindly, thinking
that if they'll make people convert, then their place in heaven is promised?
I mean, you'd think that after 10 years or so they'll pretty much understand that the whole son-of-hod idea was a sort os a swing-and-a-miss.

I wouldn't know, I'm not a Christian :p

I guess I went a bit too far on that last one...
Dead_Lioness said:
btw, did you know that most people in Israel eat bacon?
that abortions are legal and abortion clinics are on the yellow pages,
that in clubs in TLV you get free alcohol all night?
and that weed is *this* close to become legal there?
(everyone smokes it on the beace near cops.. its great)
bacon, bud, and booze?!. i would totally go there except id probably get blowed up by some fuckin PLO jerk.