Someone PLEASE kill this kid


dork said:
This is the official page of Dybbuk the Viking/Folk/Black metal masterpeice from Colorado. The U.S. has never produced such music before, Orthon (above) is 15 and working on the debut. He has already finished his demo album with three of his best songs on it.

Doomcifer said:
jewdogs fuckin' RULE.
Fuck me I need to get some of those and BAAAARRRRRBEEEEEEEEEEEEEQUUUUUUUEEEEEEe or something.

This dude isn't any more ridiculous than most black metal dudes I've seen. He has creepy hands though, CREEPY HAND POWER!!!
That logo is really shitty. If you can't draw, and you have a BM band, just use the traditional BM font that comes with every computer that has Microsoft Word. It might not be the most original thing in the world but at least you won't look as foolish.

EDIT - haha the demo art is great too, and i love the title of the first track I KNOW SEVERAL DOZEN WORDS FROM SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGES MAYBE I SHOULD WRITE SONGS
Mormagil said:
EDIT - haha the demo art is great too, and i love the title of the first track I KNOW SEVERAL DOZEN WORDS FROM SCANDINAVIAN LANGUAGES MAYBE I SHOULD WRITE SONGS

Lolz the next Noltem song is "Trollskogen Jeg ar Skalder manniska"

As far as I can tell, that means "Troll forest I am power man"