the orginal NEVERMORE

I love Nevemore the way it is now. I haven't even heard the 'old Nevermore'... but I would certainly never trade in WD, JL, VW and JS for anyone
Stoker said:
I love Nevemore the way it is now. I haven't even heard the 'old Nevermore'... but I would certainly never trade in WD, JL, VW and JS for anyone

my sentiments exactly

screw this false nevermore - heathens and charlatans, the lot of em! :lol:
Tee said:
though there are people here who are not able to filter what you offer them, therefore they eat the bones together with the meat o_O

i got it dammit!! I was playing along!! seriously - who the hell says "charlatans" and means it?!?
"hey thats my band! caught! naa lol joking, i love nevermore would never rip em off in anyway though"

Did you even bother to look at the date that their EP was released? Fool.