Someone please tab She Never Noticed Me from god was created

It is the keyboard tabs. Although I am pretty sure the guitar does this on the third riff. Is that right John/Bjorn?

B :-------------------------------|---------------*|
Gb :-------------------------------|---------------*||
D :----4-5-4-------4-5-4-------4-5|4-------------- ||
A :--5-------5---5-------5---5----|--5---4-5-7-5-4 ||
E :7-----------7-----------7------|----5---------- ||
B :-------------------------------|--------------- ||
PANTERAaddict101 said:
It is the keyboard tabs. Although I am pretty sure the guitar does this on the third riff. Is that right John/Bjorn?

B :-------------------------------|---------------*|
Gb :-------------------------------|---------------*||
D :----4-5-4-------4-5-4-------4-5|4-------------- ||
A :--5-------5---5-------5---5----|--5---4-5-7-5-4 ||
E :7-----------7-----------7------|----5---------- ||
B :-------------------------------|--------------- ||

yer that is right but ur tab program is gay
change the time signature to 12 8 and and keep the same note lengths
it will actually fit then aswell
and not look so goofy
good job tho :rock:
yeah, it works fine when you have the program open, but when you have it make a text file it goes all goofy. The program plays it for you too! Plus it's got a bunch of tabs to download from the web site. People tab out every instrument (including drums and keyboards) and then you can download them! The text files suck though...
PANTERAaddict101 said:
yeah, it works fine when you have the program open, but when you have it make a text file it goes all goofy. The program plays it for you too! Plus it's got a bunch of tabs to download from the web site. People tab out every instrument (including drums and keyboards) and then you can download them! The text files suck though...
well get urself a copy of guitar pro
u send me the note lengths for each notes and ill redo it in guitar pro
and if someone could give me the chord changes i will be able to tab out the acoustic bit at the start, if that wouldnt be too much trouble
So far I've learned about a third of the "God was created" album.

I kinda alternate between the 2 but I think I follow Bjorns parts more. Or at least, I'm guessing he's the one playing the higher fifths most of the time, but idunno....

So far I've got most or all of "Christ I fucking hate you", "Last fantasy..." and "The Lords Work".... I know a few here and there riffs from "I didn't kill her", and "God was created"....

I haven't started on "She never noticed me" yet, but I'm going to try it out. Only thing that sucks is, I think I tuned a half step down..... I'm in B flat, if I were to tab it out, it would be pointless unless someone else on here also tunes to B flat ...otherwise, just take all my notes and throw 'em up a fret, but whatever....For the hell of it, I'll see if I can post tabs for "Christ", "Fantasy" and "Lords"...BUt considering I'm rarely online, might take me a while to post them.

QUESTION FOR BJORN: Is that an E Dorian scale you're playing on the solo to "I didn't kill her"...I can't really figure it out, but it kinda sounds like it fits with a dorian. idunno,....learning solo's are my weakness. Sporadic notes that fly by in fast speed are so much harder to figure out than general rhythms.
I don't know too much either. I'm just learning the basic scales myself right now....

But actualyy, I stand corrected....It's NOT "I didn't kill her"...I meant the solo for "I must not live". I can't figure out what the hell John is playing either.... I'll just have to watch closely when I see you guys live. hehe....
It sounds like E over A harmonic minor to me... but I'm crazy...

Dorian is a mode, the second root of the scale is set as the tonal center. For example, E Dorian would be the dorian root of the D Major scale... I doubt dorian though, dorian is more used as jazzy kind of stuff, although I did just use it in a song. It is probably phrygian or aolean...

Let's get a show of hands on people who followed that...
True I pretty much use only minor scales. I rarely flow though Dorian myself. But I kept listening and I still couldn't figure it out, I started to rule out the minor modes. Although I probably just didn't try hard enough and ruled it out too soon.....

But again, following solo's by ear are a total maze to me. I'll try running back through phrygian again tommorrow and see if I come up with anything....
AtTheGates2099 said:
...I haven't started on "She never noticed me" yet, but I'm going to try it out. Only thing that sucks is, I think I tuned a half step down..... I'm in B flat, if I were to tab it out, it would be pointless unless someone else on here also tunes to B flat ...otherwise, just take all my notes and throw 'em up a fret, but whatever....For the hell of it, I'll see if I can post tabs for "Christ", "Fantasy" and "Lords"...BUt considering I'm rarely online, might take me a while to post them...

hey man well send em to my email
ill turn em into a guitar pro file, u just gotta give me an indication on the note lengths, like quavers etc., even if its just dashes:P
Sounds good,...I can do that....Work has got me on a leash though, plus band practice and such,...I don't have too much time to sit down and play guitar on my own anymore. And as I mentioned before I don't have too much time to get online either....BUT....I do want to do this,...

I'll type of the tabs sometime this weekend. You'll have my e-mail at least by Mon or Tues......
AtTheGates2099 said:
Sounds good,...I can do that....Work has got me on a leash though, plus band practice and such,...I don't have too much time to sit down and play guitar on my own anymore. And as I mentioned before I don't have too much time to get online either....BUT....I do want to do this,...

I'll type of the tabs sometime this weekend. You'll have my e-mail at least by Mon or Tues......
sounds great :rock:
orrighty i know that bit from 1:16 on The Last Fantasy (ITS IN 9/8 i think)
B ||--------------------------------------------------|
F# ||--------------------------------------------------|
D ||--------------------------------------------------|
A ||--------------------------------------------------|
E ||--------------10-10-10-10-10-10-12-12-12-12-12-12-|
B ||--8-8-8-8-8-8-------------------------------------|





and also, PanteraAddict1, you made a slight error in she never noticed me but ill show ya the guitar part, im ASSUMING its correct

B ||--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------||
D ||--------4--5--4-----------4--5--4-----|--------4--5--4-----------------------||
A ||-----5-----------5-----5-----------5--|-----5-----------5-----4--5--7--5--4--||
E ||--7-----------------7-----------------|--3-----------------5-----------------||
B ||--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------||
Well I just put the keyboard part up and I watched the video on the computer from the HTWTS album and that's what Jason did. You are probably right for the guitar part though. Do you know how to play the guitar part for the first riff I did? I really want to know how to play that part on guitar.
Yeah well you get the idea folks. The tabs are alot hardr than I thought they would be, once they are done though I will make them into solid midi files so you can use them on all your cell phones. EZ way to do it is get a phone with a usb cabel to it so you dont have to hassle downloading it into your phone the manual key punching way.
I saw that this chick in my history class had one of those cell phones that you can make your own ring on so I asked to see it and I put that keyboard part in the middle of She Never Noticed Me on it.

Oh man! My dad has one of those too, and one time he dropped it, so he ordered another one. So for a week he had two of them. I took this opportunity to put, IN STEREO, the middle riff of I Didn't Kill Her. you know, the one where the guitars are panned left and right and they take turns and then layer them together. That was the best thing ever!